FINAL RESULTS 2024 Junior Ohio Cup
The Northern Ohio PGA Juniors defeated the the SOPGA Team, 16-8, with a Singles Match performance that bordered on the magical.

Jim Wise Receives PGA Jr. League #GameChanger Award
The Jim Wise Golf Academy leader runs the largest PGA Jr. League program in the NOPGA Section, and the 19th largest program in the country.
RESULTS: 2022 NOPGA Collegiate Preview at Shaker Heights
Dylan Dunn and Colin Frimel tied in the Boys Division, while Klaira Paramore and Ashley Au tied for the Girls top spot at Shaker.
FINAL RESULTS: 2022 PGA Junior League Section Championship
Medina Deegan won the 13U Section Championship over Fox Den & JB Golf at Eagle Creek; Medina CC won the 17U championship.
RD1 RESULTS: 2022 PGA Junior League Section Championship
Fox Den & JB Golf, Cleveland South East, Medina Deegan and Medina Union earned spots in Sunday's PGA Junior League Section Finals.
RESULTS: 2022 NOPGA Futures Tour – Turkeyfoot
Amrita Deo, Emma Gonzalez-Ribble, Lucas Cutlip and Noah Liston / Isaac Bowland won their Futures Tour Divisions at Turkeyfoot.
RESULTS: 2022 NOPGA Futures Tour – North Olmsted GC
Kiley Gorog, Emma Gonzalez-Ribble, Reilly Maloney and Hayes Pethtel won their Futures Tour divisions at North Olmsted Golf Club.
RESULTS: 2022 NOPGA Collegiate Preview #2
Mike Qui and Jordan Van Meter won their divisions in the 2022 NOPGA Collegiate Preview #2 at Alliance Country Club.
FINAL RESULTS: 2022 NOPGA Kenny Novak Junior Championship
Chris Pollak, Ajay Morris, Siena Maschke and Dixon Hill won their Divisions at the NOPGA's season-ending championship at Club Walden.