RESULTS: 2019 ADGA Bud Light 3-Man Shamble
Dan Marr, Miles DeMuesy and Max Moldovan won the ADGA 3-Man Shamble at Chippewa today, while Larry Lahnan, Fred Miller and Nick Lambos took the Senior Division.
Dan Marr, Miles DeMuesy and Max Moldovan won the ADGA 3-Man Shamble at Chippewa today, while Larry Lahnan, Fred Miller and Nick Lambos took the Senior Division.
Photo gallery from the 2019 Akron District Golf Association Bud Light 3-M Shamble at Chippewa Golf Club in Doylestown on Saturday, July 20th.
AJ Borisa and Jimmy Wild won the 2019 ADGA 2-Man Jumble Championship, but it was Seniors Rick Bryson and Jim Hercheck who stole the show at Shady Hollow.
Photo gallery from the 2019 ADGA 2-M Jumble at Shady Hollow Country Club in Massillon on Saturday, June 22nd.
An incredible finish by one team and some strong, consistent play from another led to a tie at the top of the 2019 ADGA 4-Man Scramble.
Photo gallery from the 2019 Akron District Golf Association’s 4-Man Scramble at Seven Hills Golf Club in Hartville on Saturday, May 25th.