Akron District Golf Association

An Upgrade at the ADGA

Tim Davis, director of the Akron District Golf Association, has some big improvements coming after his inaugural year at the helm. Plans for 2008 include a newly revised and upgraded website launching late February [adgagolf.com], some new ways to register for the events (website and voicemail), and an entry deadline for each registration. The new … READ MORE >

Northeast Ohio Golf

Top 5 Amateur Golf Tournaments in Northeast Ohio

Just like any other major metro area in the USA, greater Cleveland and Akron have a handful of great competitive amateur golf tournaments that a scratch player HAS to enter. The reasons why these events are “the best” can vary: maybe it’s the golf course; the quality of the field year after year; because there is a great trophy … READ MORE >

Northeast Ohio Golf

Give Me Golf News

I need your help to make this site successful. I need a “network”. Eyes and ears; mini Deep Throats, if you will. Here’s how you can help: If you hear about a competitive tournament, scramble or scratch league and it’s not listed here, tell me. If you hear about a golf course that’s opening/closing/changing business practices, tell me. If you … READ MORE >