Nick Latimer Victorious in Cleveland Amateur

Greater Cleveland Amateur Golf ChampionshipNick Latimer of Brooklyn closed out a record-setting performance at the 2009 Greater Cleveland Amateur Golf Championship at Sleepy Hollow, shooting an even-par 71 final round on Sunday for a 54-hole total of 9-under par.

Latimer birdied three of the first four holes Sunday, eliminating any doubt as to whether or not another player might mount a final round charge. A double-bogey at 12 was the only real misstep over the course of three days, but an off-setting birdie and bogey over the final six holes locked up the lop-sided victory.

Defending champion Kyle Cobb of Strongsville posted a solid 71 on Sunday and an even par 213 over the 54 holes to finish second to Latimer.

A special thanks and congratulations to John Fiander, Mike Raby and all of the Cleveland Metroparks golf professionals. The course championships and the Cleveland Amateur have become one of the top golf events in Northeast Ohio each summer, and the level of play in the last few stagings reflects the quality of the event management. Also congratulations to Sleepy Hollow’s grounds staff for the fine conditions over the weekend.

SKINS GAME: $86 ea for Scott Heran (birdie #6), Brad Stevens (birdie #8), Dave Sotka (birdie #9), Kory Oslie (birdie #11), Matt Heestand (birdie #15) and John Iosue (birdie #18).

Sleepy Hollow Golf Course, Brecksville, Ohio – August 7 – 9, 2009

PosPlayerRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Total
1Nick Latimer666771204
2Kyle Cobb746871213
3Matt Heestand746775216
4A.J. Borisa697375217
4Mike Grasso737470217
4Steve Blackburn Jr.707671217
7Brian Smith737175219
7Monty Guest717375219
9Zach Glassman757075220
9Doug Barber697180220
9Norton Brick757372220
9Dan Metzendorf717574220
13Brad Steven727673221
14David Griffith737178222
14Chris Okeson747276222
16Andrew Bailey757177223
16Billy Barbour707776223
18David Sotka747377224
18Ryan Stefanski727478224
20John Furlong747477225
20Kyle Jastromb767475225
22Jim Schaefer747280226
22Scott Heran787276226
24Joe Zucker797474227
24Pete Skirpstas688178227
26Johnathan Riemer797277228
26Andrew Jendre767676228
26Allen Freeman717780228
29Anthony Yacovazzi757678229
30Pat Elber717782230
31Phil Latsko757482231
31Mark Borlin757581231
31Mark Belasic747681231
31Kory Oslie737880231
31John Iosue747978231
31Michael Mintz747978231
37Dan Predovic747583232
37Steve Bedell767779232
39Larry Russell757783235
39Robert Button727984235
41David Wein767685237
 Mark Foss7579 154
 Scott Saari7480 154
 George Martin7976 155
 Eric Coven7877 155
 Steve Blackburn Sr.7877 155
 Tom Alshouse7778 155
 Tony Briggs8373 156
 Drew Thompson7779 156
 Sam Core7680 156
 Kevin Richardson8275 157
 Bill Schaefer7880 158
 Joseph Yezbak7880 158
 Chet DeLong7781 158
 Paul Woznicki7682 158
 Mike Kemble8079 159
 Daniel Grincewicz7881 159
 Derek Duda8080 160
 Mark Ciccarello8080 160
 Brian Harpster7783 160
 Eric Fritz7783 160
 Joe Ribelli7982 161
 Jerry Miller7883 161
 Greg Sowa7784 161
 Mark Ronan8379 162
 Jack Elber8280 162
 Joe Zabukovec7884 162
 Joe Osterfeld7786 163
 Jim Zebris8282 164
 Craig Gabel8580 165
 Bill Bergold8481 165
 Matt Timmons8482 166
 Bryan Bober8383 166
 Kenny Kowall8284 166
 Mike Angie8681 167
 Andrew Lavecchia8186 167
 Dennis Berkheimer8385 168
 Phil Bojc8386 169
 David Goldense8981 170
 Elijah Jackson8190 171
 John Niedzailek8389 172
 Mike Inman8797 184
 Charles Milo80NC NC
Photo of author

Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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