A Tough 2017 Stroke Play Series Season Now Complete

2017 was a tough season for the Northeast Ohio Golf Stroke Play Series.

The blame fall squarely on the whims of Mother Nature.

“Hats and mittens” dominated the two early spring events right out of the gate, at Turkeyfoot and Tam O’Shanter.

Then three straight rainouts killed off the tournaments at Greyhawk, Ironwood and Good Park.

July finally brought some great weather for the event at The Elms of Massillon, and with the sunshine came a nice turnout.

But unfortunately, the 2017 season must conclude with another late cancellation.

This time, the casualty is the event at Fox Den originally scheduled for late September. The aerification schedule at the golf course was changed due to the recent run of warm weather. The greens wouldn’t be tournament-ready in time to host, so the decision was made to cancel rather than play under bouncy-ball conditions.

So yes, Mother Nature messed with the Series in a big way in 2017. But co-directors Ty Kovach and Allen Freeman look forward to bringing a new slate of events to Northeast Ohio players in 2018…

Photo of author

Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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