2019 Tournament Series Sponsors Wanted

Promote your business to all of Greater Cleveland’s golfers: put your company name and logo on a 2019 NEOHgolf.com Tournament Series event!

Series Announces First Two 2019 Events >

Northeast Ohio Golf will run multiple events through its Tournament Series over the course of the 2019 season. So as we set next year’s schedule, we also want to secure companies looking to promoting their brand through our events.

It’s super affordable, too!

We are offering Presenting Sponsor naming rights for a single golf tournament or Title Sponsor rights for the year-long tournament series:

PRESENTING SPONSOR: Brand one (1) select golf tournament under the format “Tournament Name presented by Sponsor Name” for $295 per event. Includes all program benefits outlined below.

TITLE SPONSOR: Brand all events under the format “Sponsor Name Tournament Series” for the entire year. Includes name/logo on the event series category page and in every Series reference plus all of the program benefits outlined below. Title Sponsorship is $1,995 for the season (i.e. $295 per event x 7-8 events for the year).

Under either option, the Tournament Sponsor program includes your company name and logo integrated seamlessly with every event promotion: on the Tournament Calendar page; on the Upcoming Events homepage listing (Title only); on a Call-for-Entries story; on a Starting Times story; on all golf course posters; through on-course signage; on the clubhouse scoreboard; and within Final Results Game Story that forever stays on the website.

INTERESTED? Send an email or give Allen Freeman a call at 216-577-8756.

Note that there can be only one Title Sponsor in 2019, but multiple Presenting Sponsors. These two options can exist together, too; there may be a Title Sponsor for the series with Presenting Sponsors for each event.

We intend to use all sponsorship money to further promote the events of the Series with additional collateral and media, to further grow participation. More players = more fun…


Photo of author

Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

Thomas A. Skidmore Akron Attorney
Boulder Creek Golf Club
Kaulig Companies Championship
Crest Roofing | Bobby Spino 330-577-6658
Five Iron Golf Clveland
Busha Okeson Insurance
Cavitch Familo & Durkin