Terrible Luck: Moldovan, Breitenstine to Face Off First at U.S. Junior Am

FANTASTIC NEWS! The two players from Northeast Ohio who qualified for this week’s U.S. Junior Amateur Championship at the Inverness Club in Toledo both played great in the stroke play portion of the event.

Maxwell Moldovan U.S. Junior Am 2019Uniontown’s Maxwell Moldovan (left) shot 74-72=146 to finish T26.

Cade Breitenstine 2019 U.S. Junior AmAkron’s Cade Breitenstine (right) shot 75-73=148 to finish T37.

Both players are on to the Round of 64 for match play at Inverness starting Wednesday!

TERRIBLE NEWS! By the luck of their finishes, the first-round match play pairings for Wednesday’s Round of 64 are Moldovan vs Breitenstine!

Crazy bad luck! Too bad they couldn’t meet against each other in the finals.

FOLLOW THEIR MATCH HERE: 2019 U.S. Junior Amateur Scoring >

UPDATE 7/17/19 3p: Maxwell won the match 3&2 over Cade.

USGA story on the Moldovan v Breitenstine match >

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Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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