Stupiansky Vaults to Women’s Cleveland Am Win

Cleveland Amatuer ChampionshipsJillian Stupiansky made an amazing final round charge, posting a sizzling score of 71 to win the 2008 Women’s Cleveland Amateur Golf Championship at Manakiki GC in Willoughby Hills by two shots. See the Plain Dealer story here. Complete tournament results below:

2008 Women’s Greater Cleveland Amateur Golf Championship
July 18 – 19, 2008, Manakiki GC, Willoughby Hills

NameRound 1Round 2Total
Stupiansky, Jillian7671147
Bruell, Frederique7475149
Boney, Mollie7872150
Caldwell, Paige8075155
Kocin, Lisa7878156
King, Caroline8076156
Merk, Lizzy8378161
Lambert, Hannah8578163
Joyner, Brenda9787184
Powell, Lois9699195
Rihtar, Blaze97102199
Suleiman, Amy82NC
Levi, RachelWD

— Tom Kochensparger & Allen Freeman

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Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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