Sign Up Early for Course Championships, Cleveland Amateur

The Cleveland Metroparks Golf Course Championships are likely to fill up early, given what we’ve seen at our other events and at many other tournaments this season.

So if you plan to play a Cleveland Am Qualifier / Course Championship at Manakiki, Shawnee Hills, Sleepy Hollow or Seneca, we strongly suggest you get your entry in now. REGISTER HERE >

Also, with the Greater Cleveland Amateur Championship field limited to 72 players, exempt players aren’t guaranteed a spot in the field if they wait too long to register.

A list of 2021 GCAC exempt players will be posted to this website during the first week of July. Then if you are an GCAC exempt player on that list, we suggest you get your entry in before the Course Championships begin…

Photo of author

John Fiander

John is a PGA Master Professional at the Cleveland Metropark's Sleepy Hollow Golf Course in Brecksville.

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