Saturday’s Mill Creek Event Postponed

Brian Tolnar PGAMill Creek Golf Course in Boardman had flood conditions ten days ago, according to PGA head pro Brian Tolnar.

But over the last week, the water had started to subside and normal mowing had begun.

Until yesterday.

On Thursday, three major storms rolled through the Youngstown area, dumping significant rainfall on the property. That rain turned the South Course back into a swamp again.

So to his credit, instead of just letting our players show up and slosh around, Brian called to say the course is not in tournament-ready condition, and he suggested the event should be postponed.

We agree, and we truly thank him for his candor and “tournament golf awareness”.

We hope to schedule a new event at Mill Creek later this year, sometime in the fall. Watch Northeast Ohio Golf for details…

Photo of author

Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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