RESULTS: 2019 Zoar Senior Amateur Championship

The Zoar Senior Amateur Championship was held Saturday afternoon at Zoar Golf Club in northern Tuscarawas County. The event featured three age divisions each playing from a different teeing ground.

In the 70+ Division, past champion Joe Hedrick of Akron (above) returned to the winners circle after playing the course at a sizzling 5-under par 67. Terry Szwast (New Franklin) was second at 71 strokes. There was a tie for third as the champion the past two years, Tom Stack and Fred Martin both finished at even par. There were 5 skins in the Age 70+ Division ($26 ea.)

Jim Hercheck 2019 Zoar Sr AmThe 60+ Division had a champion successfully defend his title. Jim Hercheck of Chagrin Falls (left) carded a 68. Randy Crider (Brunswick) was one stroke off of Hercheck’s pace and Mike Mann (Carrolton) was third with 71. Kim Miller (New Philadelphia) was fourth at even par. There were 3 skins won in 60+ ($50 ea).

The 50+ Division Champion is Doug Rockich of Green (below) after shooting a stellar 69. His front nine was played in just 31 strokes. Fred Gintert (Peerland, Tx) was second with a 71 and Dave Peck (Macedonia) finished in third place with a 73. There were 9 skins in Age 50+ ($10 ea.)

Doug Rockich 2019 Zoar Senior Am Champ 50+

Zoar Golf Club
2019 Zoar Senior Amateur Championship

Zoar Golf Club, Zoar, Ohio
Saturday, June 8, 2019


67 Joe Hedrick – $120
71 Terry Szwast – $80
72 Tom Stack, Fred Martin – $50 ea
73 John Sibila, Alex Dottavio, Steven Steinhilber
74 Al Silbaugh
78 John Kern
80 Bob Osolin
84 Tony Martin
85 Ray Harris
WD-Injury Jim Tarter (even par thru 15)

68 Jim Hercheck – $150
69 Randy Crider – $110
71 Mike Mann – $60
72 Kim Miller – $40
74 Randy Gonter
75 Brent Myers
76 Steve Gordon, Tom Hammond
78 Jeff Dean, Gary Condin, Ron Rositani
79 Tom Abrahamson,Sam Corabi
80 Vince Amicone
81 Tony Zizes

69 Doug Rockich – $120
71 Fred Gintert – $80
73 Dave Peck – $40
75 George Allen
76 Brad Baker
77 Jeff Jenkins, Jeff Burge
78 Ray McNeice
80 Mark Ciccarello

Photo of author

Brad Haynes

Brad is the General Manager at Zoar Golf Club, a long-time tournament director, and a Contributor to Northern Ohio Golf.

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