The 2019 Fall Yuengling 2-Man Scramble was held Saturday at Zoar Golf Club.
The team of Brian Beebe and Dave Trier finished the round at 8-under par to claim the first place reward.
Jeff Stormer and Ray Berry were next at 66.
The team of Adam Trent and Dean Cutlip tied Tim Hepner and Matt Gasser for third place with a 5 under par. Darren Miller and Jeff Turner had a 69.
There were five skins on the day: a birdie on #1, a three on #3, a birdie on #11, deuce on #15 and a bird on #18. They paid $56 each.
17 teams competed in the chilly November weather for the final event of the Yuengling Scramble Series.
2019 Zoar Fall Yuengling 2-M Scramble
Zoar Golf Club, Zoar Ohio
Saturday, November 2, 2019
64 Beebe Trier $300
66 Stormer Berry $250
67 Trent Cutlip, Hepner Gasser $110 ea.
69 Miller Turner $80
70 Wengerd Wengerd, Heath O’Brien
71 Mills Mills
72 Pytlak Stillmak, Crider Herchek, Toth DeChecko
75 Reifenschneider Bitikofer, Vanasdal Kovach
79 Barbas Clapper, Bailey Snow
82 Tripp Tripp
94 House Holbrook