PREVIEW: 2021 Akron District Golf Association

Akron District Golf Association Tim & Kristin Davis
The Akron District Golf Association’s Tim and Kristin Davis are flanked by 2019 Golfers of the Year Rick Bryson (left, Senior) and Aaron Crewse (r).

The 2021 opening day for the Akron District Golf Association is just around the corner. There will be a few small changes to the ADGA this year.

First, we are starting a week earlier than normal, on Saturday April 24th instead of the normal first Saturday in May. This is due to my Assistant Tournament Director and daughter, Kristin, getting married on May 1st. I had to move the starting date to keep peace and keep my help.

Second, the ADGA has set the number of tournaments in 2021 to four.

We’ll host the Parke H. Thornton 2-Man Better Ball at Turkeyfoot on Saturday, April 24.

A 4-Man Scramble at Seven Hills on Saturday, May 22nd.

A 3-Man Shamble at Chippewa on July 17.

Finally, to wrap up the season, the ADGA Golfer of the Year Tournament will be held on Sunday, August 22nd at Shady Hollow Country Club in Massillon. To be eligible to play in the ADGA Golfer of the Year event in 2021, you must play in at least 3 of the 5 ADGA points tournament that I run, which includes: the three ADGA events listed above; the Turkeyfoot 2-Man Scramble on Saturday May 8th; and/or the Ungvary Memorial 2-Man Jumble at Good Park on Saturday, June 12th.

Like last year, the entry fee amounts will remain the same for all ADGA events: $105 includes green fees, cart, optional pots and a $5 administration fee. No membership fee required.

We’re looking forward to seeing everyone on Saturday, April 24th — the 2021 ADGA opening day!

Photo of author

Tim Davis

Tim is the Director of the Akron District Golf Association.

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