2009 Greater Cleveland Skins Game: Week 16

Mike Angie birdied the par-4 first hole (#10) at Chardon Lakes on Thursday, grabbing a skin worth $83.33 and extending his season-long lead in the 2009 Greater Cleveland Skins Game series.

But the big winner of the evening was Paul Kish of Painesville Township, who came alive by capturing two skins and a pin shot. Kish birdied the 210-yard par-3 14th hole by draining a 15-foot putt after earning the pin shot worth $38.50. Kish then birdied the par-4 15th hole to capture another skin, making a big climb up the leaderboard with $205.16 on the night.

Mark Foss captured the other pin shot on the 11th hole, knocking it to 4-feet away but his birdie was tied.

Next week the Greater Cleveland Skins game moves to Pleasant Hills Golf Course in Chardon starting at 5:30 pm. See the rest of the 2009 schedule here.


Player Name Total Skins Skins $ Pins Pins $
Mike Angie$941.334$828.332$113.00
Steve Blackburn Jr$855.164$694.163$161.00
Rob Schustrich$530.003$495.001$35.00
Eddie Neer$450.502$391.002$59.50
Steve Blackburn Sr$397.002$397.00
George Martin$388.662$280.162$108.50
Joe Tasca$388.503$336.001$52.50
Sam Corabi$316.502$235.002$81.50
Dave Sotka$315.501$138.004$177.50
Paul Kish$308.663$270.161$38.50
Mark Foss$307.001$160.004$147.00
Gary Zehe$285.162$197.662$87.50
John Niedzialek$263.501$92.004$171.50
Allen Freeman$207.002$207.00
Geoff Nicely$122.661$122.66
Jim Lebzelter$111.661$76.661$35.00
Tom Evans$98.00 1$98.00
Brian McCullough$98.00 1$98.00
Paul Kasper$76.661$76.66
Josh Krause$63.00 1$63.00
Jarrod Dixon$50.00 1$50.00
Tom Herrmann$49.00 1$49.00
Russ Rybka$45.50 1$45.50
Tim Linnnich$37.50 1$37.50
Anthony Marinelli$37.50 1$37.50
Photo of author

John Niedzialek

John is the former Director of the Greater Cleveland Skins Game.

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