In last years Spring Tour event at Big Met, Scott Saari and Paul LaGrotteria shot a 10-under par 62 in the jumble format (9-holes of better ball and 9 holes of scramble), but ended up losing a scorecard tie-breaker for first place to Chris Davis and Nick Palladino.
This year, they shot 31-33 for an 8-under par 64 total and ended up tied for low score again, this time with Ryan Stefanski and Ian Marek.
But this year, ‘the golf gods giveth’ as they won the tie-breaker with the low back-nine score to get the first place trophies!
FINAL RESULTS: Cleveland Metroparks Golf
2014 Spring Tour 2-Player Better Ball / Scramble
Big Met Golf Course, Fairview Park, Ohio
Saturday, May 31, 2014
1st 64 Scott Saari & Paul LaGrotteria
2nd 64 Ryan Stefanski & Ian Marek
3rd 65 Nick Anangost & Jeff Bors
4th 66 Brian Smith & Norton Brick
5th 67 Ray Durban & Lou Durban
6th 67 Jeff Luckring & Frank Livak
7th 67 Jonathan Reimer & Jonathan Keppler
8th 68 Michael Mintz & Mark Ciccarello
9th 69 John Prince & Paul Prince
10th 69 Scott Heran & Bill Coughlin
1) Back Nine Score
2) Last 6 Holes score
3) Last 3 Holes score
4) 18th Hole score
5) Hole by Hole starting on #1
**Top 7 places received merchandise certificate prizes