Cleveland Metroparks Announce 2008 “Fall Golf Tour” Tournaments

The Cleveland Metroparks hosts a series of scratch amateur golf tournaments every fall at four of its golf courses, always featuring a series of team formats. Below are the Fall Tour 2008 events, with entry deadlines and links to each tournament’s entry blank:

2-Player Scramble, Big Met GC, Fairview Park
Saturday, September 6
Entry Deadline: Sunday, August 31; Entry blank here

2-Player Scramble / Better Ball, Shawnee Hills GC, Bedford Heights
Saturday, September 20
Entry Deadline: Sunday, September 14; Entry blank here

Barbour Cup 27-Hole Jumble, Sleepy Hollow GC, Brecksville
Saturday, October 11
Entry Deadline: Sunday, October 5; Entry blank here

3-Player Scramble, Manakiki GC, Willoughby Hills
Saturday, October 18
Entry Deadline: Sunday, October 12; Entry blank here

The entry fees for each event are very affordable, and players compete for gift certificates for pro shop merchandise as a part of that entry.

–Allen Freeman

Name Brand Apparel at Factory Direct Prices

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Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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