RESULTS: 2015 ADGA Thornton 2-M Better Ball
Chris Okeson and Doug Barber took the title, Norton Brick and Monty Guest won the Seniors, but Tom Ream was the talk of the 2015 ADGA Turkeyfoot 2-Man Better Ball.
Chris Okeson and Doug Barber took the title, Norton Brick and Monty Guest won the Seniors, but Tom Ream was the talk of the 2015 ADGA Turkeyfoot 2-Man Better Ball.
Mike Simpson made the most birdies on the day in the big skins qualifier, then won the ADGA Shootout by 5 inches in a putt off.
Photo gallery from the 2015 Akron District Golf Association’s Dave Towell Cadillac Shootout at Raymond C. Firestone 9 in Akron on Sunday, April 19.
See what’s new for 2015 for the Akron District Golf Association, including new events and courses.
See the final 2014 seaon-long points lists for the Ungvary and Barnes Cup races of the Akron District Golf Association.
Final results from the Akron District Golf Association’s 2014 Golfer of the Year Tournament at Shady Hollow Country Club in Massillon September 27-28th.