ADGA Board Announces 2009 Changes

ADGAThe Board of the Akron District Golf Association distributed an official news release to its members yesterday, outlining changes to its schedule and policies. That release follows:

“The ADGA Executive Board has made some major changes to the 2009 tournament schedule.  For starters, we’ve added a new Two Man Better Ball Event at Rosemont Country Club and a new Three Man Shamble at Lake Forest Country Club.  Also, the optional skins and cash pots are likely to change to allow for increased prize packages.

As another positive change for the 2009 season, the ADGA will donate a portion of every sponsorship dollar to a selected charity.  This year, we have decided to contribute to the American Cancer Society.  This decision was made to make sponsorship of ADGA events more attractive to potential corporate supporters.

We’ve also considered the challenges our members face with regards to the time commitment for multi-weekend events.  For the Lazor Memorial and Individual Match Play events, players will be permitted to schedule matches on their own, with matches to be completed prior to pre-determined deadlines.  This should give players much more flexibility in arranging matches; however, it will be mandatory for each match to be completed by the established deadlines. Any matches not completed on-time will result in the forfeit of both sides.

Other exciting changes include converting the Golfer of the Year event back to a two-day format.  All players who will have played in a minimum of three (3) tournaments on the 2009 schedule and all sponsors may play on the first day.  Following the first round, the field will be cut to the low 8 scores from day one and any players in the top 24 of the Player of Year standings.

Please visit the Tournament Schedule page for a complete listing of events, dates, and venues.  Similar to last year, players may register for events via the Tournament Registration Form or by calling the ADGA voicemail at 440-848-8364.

Due to these key changes for 2009, we anticipate another great year for the Akron District Golf Association.  No other amateur golf association in northern Ohio provides the same level of competition and camaraderie.  Please make sure to save your place in the events as soon as possible, and we hope to see you in the spring!”

ADGA Executive Board

Photo of author

Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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