ADGA 2-Man Better Ball Postponed to May 13th

Akron District Golf AssociationThe Parke H. Thornton 2-Man Better Ball scheduled for this Saturday has been postponed.

Tim Davis, Director of the ADGA, has decided that today’s rain and tomorrow’s weather forecast simply won’t allow for the completion of the event.

So the ADGA’s 2-Man Better Ball will be played next week Saturday, May 13th. It will replace the Turkeyfoot 2-Man Scramble that was on the docket, and that scramble will be rescheduled for a later date. (Watch for details.)

NOTE that players must register again with the ADGA to sign up for the Parke H. Thornton 2-Man Better Ball on the 13th. Registration and entry details here >

Photo of author

Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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