2015 Shawnee Hills Championship: Round 1 Scores and Round 2 Starting Times

Shawnee Hills GC2015 Shawnee Hills Course Championship
and Cleveland Amateur Championship Qualifier

First Round Scores and Second Round Starting Times
Shawnee Hills Golf Course, Bedford Heights, OH
July 25 – 26, 2015

70 Shoger, Erik
71 Borisa, A.J.
71 Duffy, Matt
71 Lesueur, Joe
72 Saari, Scott
72 Schnur, John
73 Briggs, Tony
74 Bishop, Michael
74 Durban, Louis
74 Smith, Brian
75 Blackburn, Joe
75 Kaneg, Matt
75 Ribelli, Joe
76 Blomstrom, John
76 Goda, Dave
76 Malkus, Andrew
76 Malkus, Ryan
76 McNiece, Ray
77 English, Will
77 Karshner, Robert
77 Miller, Brian
78 Crane, Ward
78 DeLaat, Andrew
78 Egan, Jack
78 Elber, Dan
78 Mackar, Scott
78 Roth, Matthew
78 Zielinski, Scott
80 Ciccarello, Mark
80 Congin, Gary
80 Michal, Matthew
80 Prokop, Ray
80 Prusinski, Andrew
80 Stuewe, Michael
81 Swenton, Sam
81 Zubin, Nolan
82 Bania, Dan
82 Boyd, Anthony
82 Wonkovich, Eric
83 Kerns, Larry
83 Mitchell, Shorne
84 Beltavski, Mark
84 Mooney, Will
85 Scott, Chinnawatt
86 Strefas, Deamann
88 Lee, Damien
88 Polanski, Aaron
88 Rositani, Ron
89 Rush, Eric
96 Collins, Robert
DQ Costello, Kevin


8:00a Robert Collins Eric Rush Ron Rositani
8:10 Aaron Polanski Damien Lee Deamann Strefas
8:20 Chinnawatt Scott Bill Mooney Mark Beltavski Shorne Mitchell
8:30 Larry Kerns Eric Wonkovich Anthony Boyd Dan Bania
8:40 Nolan Zubin Sam Swenton Michael Stuewe Andrew Prusinski
8:50 Ray Prokop Matthew Michal Gary Congin Mark Ciccarello
9:00 Scott Zielinski Matthew Roth Scott Mackar Dan Elber
9:10 Jack Egan Andrew DeLaat Ward Crane Brian Miller
9:20 Robert Karshner Will English Ray McNiece Ryan Malkus
9:30 Andrew Malkus Dave Goda John Blomstrom Joe Ribelli
9:40 Matt Kaneg Joe Blackburn Brian Smith Louis Durban
9:50 Michael Bishop Tony Briggs John Schnur Scott Saari
10:00 Joe Lesueur Matt Duffy A.J. Borisa Erik Shoger

Photo of author

Ryan Short

Ryan Short is Clubhouse Manager at the Cleveland Metroparks' Shawnee Hills Golf Course in Bedford.

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