2009 Golf Galaxy Tour for Greater Cleveland Kicks Off April 25 at StoneWater

Golf Galaxy TourIf you want to try a different set of events this year, give the Cleveland version of the Golf Galaxy Tour a shot.

Yes, they pay gift certificate prizes to Golf Galaxy, and yes, the fields may not be quite as deep and competitive as some. But the roster of courses is top-notch, the events are well-run, and the costs to play are pretty reasonable.

In fact, you can save even more money: get another $10 off on those already reasonable entry fees by using the promo code NEOHGOLF every time you register online for an event!

The first event is a 2-M Better Ball at Stonewater GC in Highland Heights — a nice track to start the year. See the complete Golf Galaxy Tour schedule in the Tournament Calendar.

Think of it as some enjoyable competition as preparation for the grind of some of the bigger summer events…

— Allen Freeman

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Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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