11 Courses Now Signed Up as Members for 2017

It’s only the first week of January, but already Northeast Ohio Golf counts 11 golf facilities among its Member Courses for 2017:


(Click a logo link above to see photos and information about that course.)

These Member Courses will act as the host sites either for an event of the Northeast Ohio Golf Stroke Play Series or the brand-new Charity Scramble Series that will launch in 2017.

Also, these courses will be featured on the Tournament Calendar for their own competitive and charity events, in the Course Directory, plus on the site content pages and in the weekly Email Newsletter.

And finally, these courses will partner with Northeast Ohio Golf in some new promotional programs to be announced soon.

So thank you and welcome to our new 2017 Member Courses!

Do you manage a golf facility and want to join us in 2017? Get the Golf Course Marketing Program details here… >

(The cool photo at the top is from one of those 2017 Member Courses, Gray Hawk Golf Course in LaGrange.)

Photo of author

Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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