Thank you to the 40 people who participated in our beta test of the NOHIO.GOLF Fantasy Golf Series for the PGA TOUR’s Kapalua event! A nice round number and a worthwhile test.
Matthew Mullen and Jimmy Wild finished in a two-way tie for first place at an eye-popping 178-under par, with Matt Creech nabbing the third spot three shots back. FINAL RESULTS >
The day after the event, players were asked to spend one minute answering a quick 5-question poll to help us decide if more fantasy events should be run over the upcoming season. 24 of the 40 contestants responded.
Poll Results
All 24 respondents said the fantasy game was fun to play, and 23 of the 24 said the system was very easy to use. A fantastic result.
We asked if our setup of 8 scores counting from the 12 player team was the right number, and the answer was yes by a slim majority.
Then we asked if they would play again when an entry fee is charged and prizes paid out, and 21 of the 24 said yes.
Finally, we asked what the entry fee amount should be, and 18 of 24 selected the same number: $10 per team entered.
Using that consensus $10 entry fee number, if prizes had been paid out from our 40 player test, the Mullen and Wild tie would have earned them $160 each, and Creech $80 (an all-ties-split of 50/30/20% with 100% payout of the entry amount collected).
So as an easy frame of reference going forward: if we get 100 paid teams entered, the payout will be 1st-$500 / 2nd-$300 / 3rd-$100 on a $10 entry. A nice return.
Since the software backend made the contest easy enough to admin and the poll results were so positive, we’ve decided continue on for the rest of 2023. Our next Fantasy Golf Series event will be contested during Super Bowl weekend, when the PGA TOUR plays the WM Phoenix Open at TPC Scottsdale. More details to come.
Looking for a Partner
In the next two weeks, before we start promoting the Phoenix Open contest, we’d love to find a title sponsor for our Fantasy Golf Series to offset the cost of the software system. If you choose to partner with us, your company name would replace NOHIO.GOLF in the series title (so COMPANY NAME Fantasy Golf Series) and your logo would be displayed on every single post, page and promotion related to the 8-10 fantasy contests we’ll run across 2023. Plus the sponsorship fee is super cheap vs the exposure gained! Interested? Shoot us an email…