Welcome to the New Look of Northeast Ohio Golf

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screencaptureThe brand new NEOHgolf.com site design has been launched! The website now has a cool-looking online magazine style in place for 2013.

It also features a number of new back-end content tools that will roll out soon, adding to the ‘site experience’.

But perhaps the coolest thing of all, the website is now responsive. That means it automatically re-formats itself to whatever type of screen you are using. Go ahead, check us out on your smartphone. Check us out on your tablet. Take a look on your widescreen laptop. Tasty goodness all around.

But the site’s engine is exactly the same as before, so if you created an account and registered a screen name to post comments, that account still exists and is ready for you to use it again. (And if you haven’t created an account, register here already!)

So look around. Enjoy the upgrade. And thanks for being a reader of Northeast Ohio Golf!


P.S. — Have a website? Link back to Northeast Ohio Golf! Here is some ready-to-use html:

Image Link – Circle Logo with Type 420x70px
<a href=”https://northernohio.golf” title=”Read Northeast Ohio Golf”><img src=”https://northernohio.golf/images/NEOHgolf-circlelogo420x70.gif”></a>


Image Link – Circle Logo 100x100px
<a href=”https://northernohio.golf” title=”Northeast Ohio Golf for Greater Cleveland Tournament News”><img src=”https://northernohio.golf/images/NEOHgolf_TransLogoCir100.gif”></a>


Text Link
<a href=”https://northernohio.golf” title=”Tournament Information from Northeast Ohio Golf”>Northeast Ohio Golf: Tournament News for Greater Cleveland, Akron, Canton</a>

Photo of author

Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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