Two Teams Tie Blonde John Thunder Hill 3-M

Final results from the Blonde John 3-Man Scramble played at Thunder Hill GC in Madison on Saturday, October 24th:

Randall, Snyder, Perkins  29-33=62  $540
Kasper, Heck, Manahan  30-30=62   $540
Prince, Prince, Zvocec     33-32=65   $180
Oslin, Rolla, Holmes    32-33=65   $180
Granquist, Trusso, Caprino  34-32=66
Michael, Dunlap, Kersten   32-34=66
Lebzelter, Paxton, Smith  32-34=66
Kish, Niedzialek, Corabi  34-33=67
Bishop, Leymaster, Kastelic  34-34=68
Blackburn Jr, Foss, Angie  36-33=69
Adams, Lemeiux, Orzik  35-35=70
Keeshock, Keeshock, Keeshock   35-38=73

SKINS @ $135 ea: Team Randall eagle on #8;  Team Casper birdie on #3 and birdie on #10; Team Lebzelter with birdie on #14

Photo of author

John Niedzialek

John is the former Director of the Greater Cleveland Skins Game.

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