Turkeyfoot Offers 2018 Junior Girls League

Turkeyfoot Lake Golf LinksTurkeyfoot Lake Golf Links will offer a Junior Girls Golf League this summer to give girls ages 12 to 18 a fun, supervised on-course golf experience.

No swing instruction is given in this League. Instead, emphasis is on learning rules and etiquette. Girls must provide their own clubs.

The league will be held on Wednesdays in June and July (June 6, June 13, June 20, June 27, July 11, July 18, July 25), with a scramble and picnic on the final date.

The league fee is $70, which covers 7 greens fees and the picnic.

Tee times start at 8:30 am each week; experienced players should arrive by 8 am, with less experienced players at 9 am. Start times may be adjusted for second week based on play.

The League Directors are Jake Shocklee and Mary Mozingo.

League participation requires a waiver signed by parent or guardian and must be returned prior to June 1 along with completed application and registration fee. DOWNLOAD THE REGISTRATION FORM HERE >

Photo of author

Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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