Three New Golf Training Aids by Cleveland Area Inventors

Three Cleveland-area golf training aid inventors hope to earn break-out business success by helping golfers better their games.

But each inventor is focusing on a different path to that improvement.

One product invention focuses on alignment, one on club impact location, and one on hyper-targeted golf fitness.

All three inventors recently displayed their products at the Cleveland Golf & Travel Show at the IX Center in mid-February.


Randy Steele Hudson OhioHudson’s Randy Steele is an accomplished amateur player. But even he fights with alignment, both during competition on the golf course and while hitting balls on the practice tee.

Steele observed both himself and others would sometimes aim way right, only to react with a “come-over-the-top” move in an attempt to hit the shot back on line.

Randy Steele InstalignSteele also noticed many players and instructors laying clubs on the ground in an effort to help their alignment. But since there was no reference point for the top of the body, the ‘club on ground’ concept didn’t always work.

So Steele invented a simple tool that would help align the upper body to a properly aligned club on the ground. That tool: Instalign.

PRODUCT SPOTLIGHT: Instalign Training Aid >


Direct Impact Golf impact label

Nick Ghanma Cleveland OHCleveland’s Nick Ghanma believes that the quality of a golfer’s strike has the biggest impact on the outcome of his golf shots.

Shots struck away from the center of the club face result in significant losses in distance and directional control.

Direct Impact Golf impact labels give instant feedback to help a player hit the center of the club face.

Roll of Direct Impact Golf labelsSimply align one of Direct Impact’s labels so that the center of the target graphic covers the center of the club face. Then swing. The Direct Impact Golf labels will record the impact location on the club face. A single label can be used up to six times before it’s peeled away and discarded.

Ghanma’s company tagline: Stick it and Rip it!

PRODUCT SPOTLIGHT: Direct Impact Golf >


Frank Campitelli Medina OHMedina inventor, fitness trainer and long-drive champ Frank Campitelli was looking for a way to help himself and his clients with golf-specific exercise.

He wanted a sport-specific machine to help anyone hit it longer and straighter.

His invention: the NITROSWING, a golf swing training machine that amplifies repetition, resistance and feedback to learn and better the golf swing.

NITROSWING Golf Swing TrainerPart exercise machine, part swing trainer and part practice range, the NITROSWING is a system that can “diagnose, instruct, develop, and build” a swing that creates high speed, power and distance.

The concept is to leverage speed and resistance within in a perfect bio-mechanical golf swing.

A pair of nitrogen gas pressured shocks are used for resistance, which can be set at varying levels as the user progresses.

Campitelli’s product promotes increased swing speed and strength to the core golf muscles, all while building balance and muscle memory.


Photo of author

Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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