TGA Launch Brings Math & Science to NEOH Junior Golf Classes

TGA Premier GolfA new junior golf concept that also teaches math and science in the process has just launched in Northeast Ohio.

TGA Premier Golf (TGA), an introductory recreational youth golf program with franchises across the U.S., recently announced an expansion into Greater Cleveland.

TGA’s golf curriculum combines golf with academic STEAM lessons (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) that allow kids to explore and relate concepts such as gravity, aerodynamics, and simple machines through sports like golf while they are playing.

TGA (Teach, Grow, Achieve) delivers introductory youth golf programs directly at schools, community centers, and local golf course partners through before-school or after-school enrichment programs, camps, family events, leagues and physical education programs.

The programs incorporate multi-level, station-based learning in sports along with academic subjects, life lessons, physical fitness, rules and etiquette.

Medina’s Rupal Druv is launching the Cleveland TGA franchise. “I have always had a desire to do something for the community where we live while also successfully running a business”, Druv says. “I am very excited to be part of the TGA family. It’s a great golf platform with how it incorporates STEAM and I could not be happier to see that youth in our community will be able to participate and experience this.”

Additional details about the program can be found on the
Cleveland website. Or contact Rupal at (440) 317-1487 or by email.

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Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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