Schembechler Goes Red Carpet for U.S. Open Practice Rounds

Talk about making the most of your pro golf opportunities.

Massillon’s Richie Schembechler qualified for his first U.S. Open at Oakmont two weeks ago, beating a field of PGA Tour players down in Columbus right after the Memorial Tournament.

During Monday’s practice round at Oakmont, Richie played one of the world’s great golf courses with the #1 player in the world, Jason Day:

Richie Schembechler Jason Day

In today’s Wednesday practice round, Schembechler is playing with three of the top players in the world: OWGR #4 Bubba Watson; OWGR #5 Ricky Fowler; and OWGR #11 Patrick Reed:

Schembechler Weds U.S. Open Practice Round

Photo of author

Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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