Save a Few Bucks While Getting Tournament-Ready

Northeast Ohio Golf loves passing on tips that can save tournament players some money. So here’s one we’ve heard a couple of times now from a couple of different players: if you’re looking to book a practice round tee time at a specific golf course in advance of a tournament date, spending five minutes online can save you some cash.

If you haven’t played some particular area golf course and a tournament is coming up at that site (or if you haven’t played at all in a week or so and just need to get a few swings in), then getting in a practice round at that course before event day can help get you mentally and physically ready. But why overpay for a practice round?

Several different players have confirmed that the rates offered online in the GolfNow Ohio golf course directory can be significantly less expensive for an immediate booking vs. the price you get walking up to the counter and paying!

The way GolfNow works with each golf course owner means that certain tee times can have some pretty hefty discounts attached to them. So it’s worth a look online before you get in the car to go play, or before you pick up the phone to book a time.

(Going online also means you don’t have to wait on hold to find out what tee times might be available; the open times and their prices are listed right there. And the guy on the phone is never going to tell you, “Oh, by the way, if you book a time 20 minutes later than this one, you’ll pay less.”)

GolfNow doesn’t have every Northeast Ohio golf course on its roster yet, but it has quite a few. Even the courses that don’t have the online booking option still have informational listings in the directory about their facilities, amenities, course specs, contact info, even a direct link to each course’s website.

As long as you have a little bit of flexibility as to time and date, you can save $10, $20, $30, sometimes even $40 bucks off a round of golf in advance of a tournament date. That’s worth five minutes online to check it out.

Nabbing a practice round every once in a while doesn’t mean you’re prepping to play The Masters. But there’s no reason to sign up for a tournament and then play the course blind, either — especially if you can get that practice round at a big, fat, giant discount.

Photo of author

Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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