RESULTS: Fox Den Big Skins Game 4/27/16

Fox Den Golf CourseFINAL RESULTS:
Fox Den Wednesday Big Skins Game

Fox Den Golf Course, Stow, Ohio
Wednesday, April 27, 2016

5 Skins: $142 ea

Bobby Hale – Birdie (3) #4
Mark Ciccarillo – Birdie (3) #6
Walt Robertson – Birdie (3) #8
Raul Mendoza – Birdie (3) #10
Brian Smith – Birdie (3) # 13

Total Skin Pot: $710

The Fox Den Big Skins Game is open to both amateurs and pros, with show-up-and-play starting times every Wednesday from 12:30 – 1:00 p.m. Entry into the 18 hole skins pot is $50 for amateurs and $80 for pros. Greens fee with cart just $25! Details >

Photo of author

Joe Vojtko

Joe is the PGA Golf Professional at Fox Den Golf Course in Stow.

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