With 38 points, Brian Klefos and Christine Carroll won the Net Division of the 2024 NOGA Jan Taylor Mixed Couples Tournament, a Modified Chapman format event at Plum Brook Country Club.
Winning the Gross Division with 32 points was Ty Kovach and Tina Vanasdal, after they finished tied for second in the Net Division with Kurt and Jody Deal.

NOGA is thrilled to continue the tradition of this event honoring Jan Taylor, who was the Executive Director of the Toledo District Golf Association for 14 years and then the ED of the Women’s Ohio State Golf Association for six years after that.
PHOTO GALLERY: 2024 Jan Taylor Mixed Couples >
FINAL RESULTS: Northern Ohio Golf Association
2023 NOGA Net Series Jan Taylor Mixed Couples Tournament
Plum Brook Country Club, Sandusky
Thursday, June 20, 2024
Golf Genius Hole-by-Hole Scoring >
SCORING: 1 point bogey, 2 points par, 3 points birdie, 4 points eagle
Net Results
1 Carroll / Klefos (Christine Carroll/ Brian Klefos) 38 $125.00
T2 Deal / Deal ( Kurt/ Jody Deal) 36 $62.50
T2 Kovach / Vanasdal (Ty Kovach/ Tina Vanasdal)36 $62.50
T4 Reece / Reece (Marianne/ Greg Reece) 33
T4 Rollins / Rollins (Dave/ Sherry Rollins) 33
6 Hetler / Hetler (Cari/ Jeff Hetler)32
7 Miano / Miano (Al/ Mary Ann Miano) 31
8 Rotter / Rotter (Barb/ Charles Rotter) 30
9 Chupa / Chupa (Dennis/ Kristen Chupa) 29
10 Wooddell / Wooddell (Ralph/ Linda Woodell) 22
Gross Results
1 Kovach / Vanasdal (Ty Kovach/ Tina Vanasdal) 32 $125.00
2 Carroll / Klefos (Christine Carroll/ Brian Klefos) 30 $75.00
3 Deal / Deal (Kurt/ Jody Deal) 29 $50.00
4 Hetler / Hetler (Cari/ Jeff Hetler) 28
5 Miano / Miano (Al/ Mary Ann Miano) 25
6 Reece / Reece (Marianne/ Greg Reece) 23
T7 Rollins / Rollins (Dave/ Sherry Rollins) 18
T7 Rotter / Rotter (Barb/ Charles Rotter) 18
9 Chupa / Chupa (Dennis/ Kristen Chupa) 17
10 Wooddell / Wooddell (Ralph/ Linda Woodell) 7