RESULTS: 2023 Division III Boys Sectionals – Riverview

John F. Kennedy, Badger, and Cardinal advance to Districts as a team; Jackson Eichler, Diesel Williams, and Ryen Romigh advance as individuals.

FINAL RESULTS: Boys High School Golf
2023 Division III Boys Sectional Tournament

Riverview Golf Course, Newton Falls
Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Qualifiers *: Top 3 teams and 3 individuals not on a qualifying team.

1st John F. Kennedy * 293
1. Bryce Van Horn 12 38 35 73
2. LaPolla Andrew 10 38 37 75
3. Henry Phillips 10 37 37 74
4. Andrew Fredenberg 10 36 35 71 CO-MEDALIST
5. Julian Bolino 10 39 36 75
Coach: James LaPolla

2nd Badger * 302
1. Austin Mariani 11 38 37 75
2. Ian Tricker 11 37 34 71 CO-MEDALIST
3. Hudson Rice 12 38 37 75
4. Tyler McWilliams 10 42 39 81
5. Duncan Moy 12 50 49 99
Coach: Mark Mariani

3rd Cardinal * 329
1. Troy Domen 12 40 39 79
2. Matthew Hiss 11 39 41 80
3. Reese Soltis 11 41 45 86
4. Austin Jones 11 43 41 84
5. Evan Jones 9 47 52 99
Coach: Mike Topalian

4th Waterloo 330
1. Jackson Eichler 12 38 38 76
2. Trevor Simons 11 41 37 78
3. Drew Flarida 12 46 38 84
4. Clayton Smith 11 45 47 92
5. Blade Ascarrunz 10 67 60 127
Coach: Matthew Flanagan

5th Bristol 334
1. Diesel Williams 11 39 38 77
2. Kaiden Kohler 11 40 40 80
3. Colt Berry 10 45 44 89
4. Jayden Miller 11 45 43 88
5. Ronald Imhoff III 11 52 53 105
Coach: Kyle Quinn

6th McDonald 336
1. Avery Maley 12 49 42 91
2. Gavin Schriner 11 42 39 81
3. Christopher Ragazzine 10 39 40 79
4. Josh Srock 10 48 44 92
5. Jaxson Candel 10 42 43 85
Coach: Matthew Vukovic

7th LaBrae 336
1. Austin Rowe 10 38 40 78
2. Christian Haught 12 41 46 87
3. Matthew Kujala 9 45 53 98
4. Dylan Simpson 11 42 39 81
5. Adam Bartholomew 11 45 45 90
Coach: James Bailey

8th Jackson-Milton 344
1. Ryen Romigh 11 38 39 77
2. Colton Elliott 10 45 45 90
3. Hunter Schertzer 11 43 39 82
4. Jackson Horner 10 46 51 97
5. Blake Hochendoner 9 49 46 95
Coach: Daniel Crish

9th Brookfield 347
1. Hunter Warrender 11 40 46 86
2. Braydon DeMaria 10 43 40 83
3. Cody Davidson 9 38 48 86
4. Bradyn Coleman 10 46 46 92
5. Aeryn Berena 9 46 56 102
Coach: Jason Warrender

10th St. John 349
1. Bryson Vennitti 12 40 42 82
2. Jack Varckette 11 40 46 86
3. Will Anderson 11 50 43 93
4. Anthony Severino 10 44 44 88
5. Danny Hutchins 11 50 43 93
Coach: John (Jack) Forrtune

11th Pymatuning Valley 356
1. Kaden Lewis 10 49 42 91
2. C.J. Karbacka 11 44 46 90
3. Andrew Wludyga 9 43 41 84
4. Wyatt Karbacka 9 46 47 93
5. Logan Paul 9 43 48 91
Coach: Jeff Compan

12th Mathews 363
1. Gabe Pesa 11 44 43 87
2. Jake Petak 10 44 48 92
3. Jimmy Pegg 10 38 43 81
4. Kamron Kester 10 56 47 103
5. Patrick Mrofchak 11 58 55 113
Coach: Michael Pflager

13th Rootstown 368
1. Austin Biggin 12 46 42 88
2. Luke Flowers 11 44 45 89
3. Trentan Sines 11 50 50 100
4. Anthony Cambareri 11 44 53 97
5. Ryan Wolf 10 46 48 94
Coach: Keith Waesch

14th Newton Falls 391
1. Cameron Huff 11 47 39 86
2. Johnny Kendall 12 47 46 93
3. Jacob Stimpert 12 59 49 108
4. Owen Gazda 12 59 50 109
5. Dylan Champion 11 51 53 104
Coach: Seth Howard

15th Maplewood 419
1. Tyson Webster 10 48 42 90
2. Coleton Logan 11 53 48 101
3. Gabe Erwin 10 56 59 115
4. Luke Shipman 10 59 54 113
5. Brenden Conley 9 67 64 131
Coach: Matt Urchek

16th Lordstown 523
1. George Halas 12 48 48 96
2. Dylan Davis 9 70 70 140
3. James Adams 12 65 57 122
4. Noah Senne 9 84 81 165
Coach: Mitch Blake

1. Andrew Kirkland 12 50 46 96
2. Chase Learn 11 50 50 100
3. Lucas Whelchel 10 64 51 115
Coach: Craig Giesy

1. Gavin Kiser 10 70 69 139
2. Brian King 11 82 66 148
3. Jaiden Arnone 10 79 75 154
Coach: Cody Apthorpe

Individual Results:

1 Ian Tricker Badger 11 37 34 71
1 Andrew Fredenberg John F. Kennedy 10 36 35 71
3 Bryce Van Horn John F. Kennedy 12 38 35 73
4 Henry Phillips John F. Kennedy 10 37 37 74
5 Austin Mariani Badger 11 38 37 75
5 Hudson Rice Badger 12 38 37 75
5 LaPolla Andrew John F. Kennedy 10 38 37 75
5 Julian Bolino John F. Kennedy 10 39 36 75
9 Jackson Eichler * Waterloo 12 38 38 76
10 Diesel Williams * Bristol 11 39 38 77
10 Ryen Romigh * Jackson-Milton 11 38 39 77
12 Austin Rowe LaBrae 10 38 40 78
Trevor Simons Waterloo 11 41 37 78
14 Troy Domen Cardinal 12 40 39 79
Christopher Ragazzine McDonald 10 39 40 79
16 Kaiden Kohler Bristol 11 40 40 80
Matthew Hiss Cardinal 11 39 41 80
18 Tyler McWilliams Badger 10 42 39 81
Dylan Simpson LaBrae 11 42 39 81
Jimmy Pegg Mathews 10 38 43 81
Gavin Schriner McDonald 11 42 39 81
22 Hunter Schertzer Jackson-Milton 11 43 39 82
Bryson Vennitti St. John 12 40 42 82
24 Braydon DeMaria Brookfield 10 43 40 83
25 Austin Jones Cardinal 11 43 41 84
Andrew Wludyga Pymatuning Valley 9 43 41 84
Drew Flarida Waterloo 12 46 38 84
28 Jaxson Candel McDonald 10 42 43 85
29 Hunter Warrender Brookfield 11 40 46 86
Cody Davidson Brookfield 9 38 48 86
Reese Soltis Cardinal 11 41 45 86
Cameron Huff Newton Falls 11 47 39 86
Jack Varckette St. John 11 40 46 86
34 Christian Haught LaBrae 12 41 46 87
Gabe Pesa Mathews 11 44 43 87
36 Jayden Miller Bristol 11 45 43 88
Austin Biggin Rootstown 12 46 42 88
Anthony Severino St. John 10 44 44 88
39 Colt Berry Bristol 10 45 44 89
Luke Flowers Rootstown 11 44 45 89
41 Colton Elliott Jackson-Milton 10 45 45 90
Adam Bartholomew LaBrae 11 45 45 90
Tyson Webster Maplewood 10 48 42 90
C.J. Karbacka Pymatuning Valley 11 44 46 90
45 Avery Maley McDonald 12 49 42 91
Kaden Lewis Pymatuning Valley 10 49 42 91
Logan Paul Pymatuning Valley 9 43 48 91
48 Bradyn Coleman Brookfield 10 46 46 92
Jake Petak Mathews 10 44 48 92
Josh Srock McDonald 10 48 44 92
Clayton Smith Waterloo 11 45 47 92
52 Johnny Kendall Newton Falls 12 47 46 93
Wyatt Karbacka Pymatuning Valley 9 46 47 93
Will Anderson St. John 11 50 43 93
Danny Hutchins St. John 11 50 43 93
56 Ryan Wolf Rootstown 10 46 48 94
57 Blake Hochendoner Jackson-Milton 9 49 46 95
58 Andrew Kirkland Chalker 12 50 46 96
George Halas Lordstown 12 48 48 96
60 Jackson Horner Jackson-Milton 10 46 51 97
Anthony Cambareri Rootstown 11 44 53 97
62 Matthew Kujala LaBrae 9 45 53 98
63 Duncan Moy Badger 12 50 49 99
Evan Jones Cardinal 9 47 52 99
65 Chase Learn Chalker 11 50 50 100
Trentan Sines Rootstown 11 50 50 100
67 Coleton Logan Maplewood 11 53 48 101
68 Aeryn Berena Brookfield 9 46 56 102
69 Kamron Kester Mathews 10 56 47 103
70 Dylan Champion Newton Falls 11 51 53 104
71 Ronald Imhoff III Bristol 11 52 53 105
72 Jacob Stimpert Newton Falls 12 59 49 108
73 Owen Gazda Newton Falls 12 59 50 109
74 Luke Shipman Maplewood 10 59 54 113
Patrick Mrofchak Mathews 11 58 55 113
76 Lucas Whelchel Chalker 10 64 51 115
Gabe Erwin Maplewood 10 56 59 115
78 James Adams Lordstown 12 65 57 122
79 Blade Ascarrunz Waterloo 10 67 60 127
80 Brenden Conley Maplewood 9 67 64 131
81 Gavin Kiser Windham 10 70 69 139
82 Dylan Davis Lordstown 9 70 70 140
83 Brian King Windham 11 82 66 148
84 Jaiden Arnone Windham 10 79 75 154
85 Noah Senne Lordstown 9 84 81 165

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