RESULTS: 2023 Division II Girls Districts – Good Park

Independence, Akron SVSM and Laurel advance to the State Championship as a team; Mati Zines, Abby Ankenman and Taylor Blazek advance as individuals. Mati Zines and Abby Ankenman were co-medalists with 73.

FINAL RESULTS: Girls High School Golf
2023 Division II Girls District Tournament

Good Park Golf Course, Akron
Monday, October 2, 2023

Qualifiers *: Top 3 teams and 3 individuals not on a qualifying team.

1st Independence * 344
1. Molly McGreal 12 38 41 79
2. Macey McGhee 11 41 41 82
3. Adriann Buyansky 12 44 43 87
4. Maria DeCapua 11 50 49 99
5. Callia Shumay 12 51 45 96
Coach: Marty Hyland

2nd Akron SVSM * 348
1. Raygan Hoover 12 39 43 82
2. Caitrin Coyle 10 45 44 89
3. Reese Latta 12 44 45 89
4. Mia Ross 12 45 45 90
5. Rylee Hoover 10 44 44 88
Coach: Dirk Hartman

3rd Laurel * 359.107000 359
1. Siena Maschke 12 37 39 76
2. Jade Gladue 12 46 48 94
3. Liliana Embrescia 12 43 53 96
4. Elizabeth Weingart 10 46 47 93
5. Stella Kronstain 12 56 51 107
Coach: Marti Hardy

4th Southeast 361
1. Taylor Blazek 11 41 37 78
2. Gracie Westover 12 41 48 89
3. jessica mix 10 53 47 100
4. Layna Tittel 10 53 55 108
5. Aubree Varga 10 49 45 94
Coach: Cynthia Fesemyer

5th Canton South 374
1. Delaney Kruger 12 42 43 85
2. Hailey Franks 10 44 44 88
3. Erin Foster 12 45 51 96
4. leah Cramer 10 53 52 105
5. Mia Zellers 12 56 54 110
Coach: David Mullett

6th Perry 380
1. Emily Capitosti 12 43 45 88
2. Jillian Peters 10 45 46 91
3. Lilah Yeager 10 56 56 112
4. Carissa Hanson 10 60 53 113
5. Adyson Trefzger 11 44 45 89
Coach: Blanche Davidson

7th Champion 381
1. Kennady Grace 12 43 45 88
2. Kayla Haynie 12 44 47 91
3. Skylar Scarnecchia 12 49 48 97
4. Brilea Woods 9 51 54 105
5. Channing Fox 12 69 69 138
Coach: Elisa Morello

8th Columbiana 392
1. Hailey Muntean 11 50 49 99
2. Ellie Jackson 11 44 46 90
3. Maddie Jackson 9 50 47 97
4. Claire Banner 9 51 56 107
5. Sophia Perry 10 52 54 106
Coach: Chad Moreschi

9th Ursuline 395
1. Josie Bishara 12 42 49 91
2. Lilly Ditz 12 50 52 102
3. Gabriella Gasior 12 57 53 110
4. Abby Evans 11 50 53 103
5. Giovanna Schiavone 12 49 50 99
Coach: Mike Murphy

10th West Branch 399
1. Shaylee Muckleroy 12 40 44 84
2. Lillian Smith 12 59 55 114
3. Hayden Mesler 11 51 49 100
4. Isabella Linger 9 49 54 103
5. Jade Howell 12 53 59 112
Coach: Daniel Hall

11th East Canton 403
1. Mia Steigerwald 11 45 44 89
2. Elyse Mallette 11 45 52 97
3. charlie robinson 10 62 53 115
4. meghan steigerwald 9 51 51 102
5. Ella Carter 11 58 72 130
Coach: Jarett Ryder

12th Keystone 456
1. Emma Feakins 11 74 61 135
2. Brenna Taylor 12 56 56 112
3. Lucy Cook 11 55 66 121
4. Alexis Askew 10 51 57 108
5. Kennedy Accavallo 9 65 50 115
Coach: Andrew Gibson

13th United
1. Mati Zines 12 38 35 73 CO-MEDALIST
Coach: Stacey Zines

1. Katie Pregibon 10 40 49 89
Coach: Mary Theresa Bellino

Southern Local
1. Paige Riggs 12 51 54 105
Coach: Gerard Grimm

1. Madison Touart 11 49 51 100
Coach: Chad Kiser

Gilmour Academy
1. Lauren Riccobelli 12 45 44 89
Coach: John Malloy

1. Anuja Patel 9 44 43 87
Coach: Cody Kovach

Ash. Edgewood
1. Annie Johnston 10 46 46 92
Coach: Christina Fischer

Chagrin Falls
1. Matilda Fischer 12 52 53 105
Coach: Kristin Reboul

1. Abby Ankenman 12 37 36 73 CO-MEDALIST
Coach: Chuck Davis

1. Madison Wade 11 44 47 91
Coach: Isaac Haver

1. Dally Meek 11 49 46 95
Coach: Kyle Wissel

1. Taylor Kuhrt 12 41 41 82
Coach: Rebecca Brendza

Individual Results:

1 Mati Zines * United 12 38 35 73 1st- won playoff
1 Abby Ankenman * Orrville 12 37 36 73 2nd- lost playoff
3 Siena Maschke Laurel 12 37 39 76
4 Taylor Blazek * Southeast 11 41 37 78 3rd
5 Molly McGreal Independence 12 38 41 79
6 Macey McGhee Independence 11 41 41 82
6 Raygan Hoover Akron SVSM 12 39 43 82
6 Taylor Kuhrt Columbia 12 41 41 82
9 Shaylee Muckleroy West Branch 12 40 44 84
10 Delaney Kruger Canton South 12 42 43 85
11 Adriann Buyansky Independence 12 44 43 87
Anuja Patel Orange 9 44 43 87
13 Kennady Grace Champion 12 43 45 88
Emily Capitosti Perry 12 43 45 88
Rylee Hoover Akron SVSM 10 44 44 88
Hailey Franks Canton South 10 44 44 88
17 Katie Pregibon Mooney 10 40 49 89
Gracie Westover Southeast 12 41 48 89
Adyson Trefzger Perry 11 44 45 89
Lauren Riccobelli Gilmour Academy 12 45 44 89
Caitrin Coyle Akron SVSM 10 45 44 89
Reese Latta Akron SVSM 12 44 45 89
Mia Steigerwald East Canton 11 45 44 89
24 Ellie Jackson Columbiana 11 44 46 90
Mia Ross Akron SVSM 12 45 45 90
26 Kayla Haynie Champion 12 44 47 91
Josie Bishara Ursuline 12 42 49 91
Jillian Peters Perry 10 45 46 91
Madison Wade Dalton 11 44 47 91
30 Annie Johnston Ash. Edgewood 10 46 46 92
31 Elizabeth Weingart Laurel 10 46 47 93
32 Aubree Varga Southeast 10 49 45 94
Jade Gladue Laurel 12 46 48 94
34 Dally Meek Hillsdale 11 49 46 95
35 Callia Shumay Independence 12 51 45 96
Liliana Embrescia Laurel 12 43 53 96
Erin Foster Canton South 12 45 51 96
38 Skylar Scarnecchia Champion 12 49 48 97
Maddie Jackson Columbiana 9 50 47 97
Elyse Mallette East Canton 11 45 52 97
41 Giovanna Schiavone Ursuline 12 49 50 99
Hailey Muntean Columbiana 11 50 49 99
Maria DeCapua Independence 11 50 49 99
44 Hayden Mesler West Branch 11 51 49 100
Madison Touart LaBrae 11 49 51 100
jessica mix Southeast 10 53 47 100
47 Lilly Ditz Ursuline 12 50 52 102
meghan steigerwald East Canton 9 51 51 102
49 Isabella Linger West Branch 9 49 54 103
Abby Evans Ursuline 11 50 53 103
51 Brilea Woods Champion 9 51 54 105
Paige Riggs Southern Local 12 51 54 105
Matilda Fischer Chagrin Falls 12 52 53 105
leah Cramer Canton South 10 53 52 105
55 Sophia Perry Columbiana 10 52 54 106
56 Claire Banner Columbiana 9 51 56 107
Stella Kronstain Laurel 12 56 51 107
58 Layna Tittel Southeast 10 53 55 108
Alexis Askew Keystone 10 51 57 108
60 Gabriella Gasior Ursuline 12 57 53 110
Mia Zellers Canton South 12 56 54 110
62 Jade Howell West Branch 12 53 59 112
Lilah Yeager Perry 10 56 56 112
Brenna Taylor Keystone 12 56 56 112
65 Carissa Hanson Perry 10 60 53 113
66 Lillian Smith West Branch 12 59 55 114
67 charlie robinson East Canton 10 62 53 115
Kennedy Accavallo Keystone 9 65 50 115
69 Lucy Cook Keystone 11 55 66 121
70 Ella Carter East Canton 11 58 72 130
71 Emma Feakins Keystone 11 74 61 135
72 Channing Fox Champion 12 69 69 138

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