RESULTS: 2023 Division I Boys Sectionals – Sycamore Springs

Findlay, Shawnee, Wapakoneta, Columbian and Lexington advance to Districts as a team; Nick Steinbrunner, Lennon Cisco, Nick Maglott, Landon Goad and Andrew Cawrse advance as individuals. Findlay’s Payson Dotson is medalist with 76.

FINAL RESULTS: Boys High School Golf
2023 Division I Boys Sectional Tournament

Sycamore Springs Golf Course, Findlay
Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Qualifiers *: Top 5 teams and 5 individuals not on a qualifying team.

1st Findlay * 328
1. Payson Dotson 11 37 39 76 MEDALIST
2. Noah Miles 12 41 39 80
3. Sam Swisher 11 41 38 79
4. Jamie Tate 10 47 49 96
5. Owen Metz 11 43 50 93
Coach: Tait Metz

2nd Shawnee * 345
1. Seth Grieshop 12 42 38 80
2. Mathew Stiles 11 41 42 83
3. Matthew Owen 12 49 43 92
4. Evan Jackson 12 45 45 90
5. Gino Cumella 11 51 50 101
Coach: Andrew McGreevy

3rd Wapakoneta * 349
1. Zac Niekamp 12 40 41 81
2. Logan Lee 12 40 42 82
3. Peyton Young 12 49 44 93
4. Preston Hinkle 11 47 46 93
5. Kayden `Cottrell 12 62 50 112
Coach: Matthew Eley

4th Columbian * 351.092000 351
1. Jace Riesen 11 39 44 83
2. Eli Snyder 11 44 48 92
3. Gavin McLane 12 44 47 91
4. Brayden Boes 11 43 44 87
5. Logan Smith 11 47 43 90
Coach: Tony Vasko

5th Lexington * 352
1. Griffin Hughes 10 45 37 82
2. Jackson Durchik 9 43 45 88
3. Levi Davis 12 57 53 110
4. Nathan Dawson 11 39 49 88
5. Jack Wyant 12 46 48 94
Coach: Tom Ballinger

6th Mad. Comprehensive 355
1. Josh Atwell 12 46 47 93
2. Nick Maglott 10 40 42 82
3. Josh Maglott 9 47 45 92
4. Liam Stone 10 50 46 96
5. Landon Goad 11 45 43 88
Coach: Steve Farley

7th Ashland 370
1. Reed Emmons 10 45 44 89
2. Ryan Eberling 10 49 44 93
3. Ty Bates 10 47 42 89
4. Landon Dreibelbis 10 51 48 99
5. Xavier Gehrisch 10 53 58 111
Coach: Dan Priest

8th Norwalk 371
1. Avery Scheel 11 48 43 91
2. Ethan Brown 12 41 48 89
3. Tanner Harp 12 48 51 99
4. Dylan Pigman 11 50 51 101
5. Stephan Lukac 11 47 45 92
Coach: Wesley Douglas

9th Celina 372
1. Nick Steinbrunner 11 39 42 81
2. Lennon Cisco 12 41 41 82
3. Cayden Hirsch 12 52 57 109
4. Gavin Pearson 12 47 53 100
5. Jackson Ly 10 64 64 128
Coach: Jim Brazen

10th Elida 388
1. Griffin Burton 12 50 47 97
2. Keagon Bullock 11 45 47 92
3. Aiden Musil 11 52 51 103
4. Aiden Bailey 9 49 55 104
5. Doug Noble 10 51 45 96
Coach: Jason Selhorst

11th Mansfield Senior 408
1. Andrew Cawrse 12 44 44 88
3. Josh Hodapp 12 49 49 98
4. Tristan Curvin 12 53 55 108
5. Abe Trammel 9 58 56 114
Coach: James White

12th Sandusky 477
1. Paul Loomis 10 53 51 104
2. Bradley Tigges 11 71 61 132
3. Kole Reiman 11 55 70 125
4. Cain Nesbit 9 57 59 116
Coach: David Colatruglio

13th Lima Senior
1. Blake Hahn 10 56 67 123
2. Eliezer Bermudez-Rivera 10 61 67 128
Coach: Justis Dowdy

Individual Results:

1 Payson Dotson Findlay 11 37 39 76
2 Sam Swisher Findlay 11 41 38 79
3 Noah Miles Findlay 12 41 39 80
3 Seth Grieshop Shawnee 12 42 38 80
5 Nick Steinbrunner * Celina 11 39 42 81 1st
5 Zac Niekamp Wapakoneta 12 40 41 81
7 Lennon Cisco * Celina 12 41 41 82 2nd in 2 hole playoff
7 Griffin Hughes Lexington 10 45 37 82
7 Nick Maglott * Mad. Comprehensive 10 40 42 82 3rd in 2 hole playoff
7 Logan Lee Wapakoneta 12 40 42 82
11 Jace Riesen Columbian 11 39 44 83
11 Mathew Stiles Shawnee 11 41 42 83
13 Brayden Boes Columbian 11 43 44 87
14 Jackson Durchik Lexington 9 43 45 88
14 Nathan Dawson Lexington 11 39 49 88
14 Landon Goad * Mad. Comprehensive 11 45 43 88 5th in 2 hole playoff
14 Andrew Cawrse * Mansfield Senior 12 44 44 88 4th in 2 hole playoff
18 Reed Emmons Ashland 10 45 44 89
Ty Bates Ashland 10 47 42 89
Ethan Brown Norwalk 12 41 48 89
21 Logan Smith Columbian 11 47 43 90
Evan Jackson Shawnee 12 45 45 90
23 Gavin McLane Columbian 12 44 47 91
Avery Scheel Norwalk 11 48 43 91
25 Eli Snyder Columbian 11 44 48 92
Keagon Bullock Elida 11 45 47 92
Josh Maglott Mad. Comprehensive 9 47 45 92
Stephan Lukac Norwalk 11 47 45 92
Matthew Owen Shawnee 12 49 43 92
30 Ryan Eberling Ashland 10 49 44 93
Owen Metz Findlay 11 43 50 93
Josh Atwell Mad. Comprehensive 12 46 47 93
Peyton Young Wapakoneta 12 49 44 93
Preston Hinkle Wapakoneta 11 47 46 93
35 Jack Wyant Lexington 12 46 48 94
36 Doug Noble Elida 10 51 45 96
Jamie Tate Findlay 10 47 49 96
Liam Stone Mad. Comprehensive 10 50 46 96
39 Griffin Burton Elida 12 50 47 97
40 Josh Hodapp Mansfield Senior 12 49 49 98
41 Landon Dreibelbis Ashland 10 51 48 99
Tanner Harp Norwalk 12 48 51 99
43 Gavin Pearson Celina 12 47 53 100
44 Dylan Pigman Norwalk 11 50 51 101
Gino Cumella Shawnee 11 51 50 101
46 Aiden Musil Elida 11 52 51 103
47 Aiden Bailey Elida 9 49 55 104
Paul Loomis Sandusky 10 53 51 104
49 Tristan Curvin Mansfield Senior 12 53 55 108
50 Cayden Hirsch Celina 12 52 57 109
51 Levi Davis Lexington 12 57 53 110
52 Xavier Gehrisch Ashland 10 53 58 111
53 Kayden `Cottrell Wapakoneta 12 62 50 112
54 Abe Trammel Mansfield Senior 9 58 56 114
55 Cain Nesbit Sandusky 9 57 59 116
56 Blake Hahn Lima Senior 10 56 67 123
57 Kole Reiman Sandusky 11 55 70 125
58 Jackson Ly Celina 10 64 64 128
Eliezer Bermudez-Rivera Lima Senior 10 61 67 128
60 Bradley Tigges Sandusky 11 71 61 132

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