RESULTS: 2023 Division I Boys Sectionals – Good Park

Hoban, Medina, Medina Highland and Revere advance to Districts as a team; Luca Violi, Marco Silva, Lucas Palange and Ryan Repko advance as individuals. Hoban’s Braden Herstich is medalist with 69.

FINAL RESULTS: Boys High School Golf
2023 Division I Boys Sectional Tournament

Good Park Golf Course, Akron
Tuesday, October 03, 2023

Qualifiers *: Top 4 teams and 4 individuals not on a qualifying team.

1st Hoban * 284
1. Jack Vojtko 12 36 34 70
2. Chris Pollak 11 40 35 75
3. Braden Herstich 11 35 34 69 MEDALIST
4. Ray Dress 11 32 38 70
5. Brett Bagatti 11 39 37 76
Coach: Quinn Parker

2nd Medina * 306
1. Cam Stafford 10 42 38 80
2. Eli Zimmerman 11 35 35 70
3. Wren Spires 9 37 42 79
4. Coen Miller 11 38 39 77
5. William Guest 12 48 43 91
Coach: Mike Mozingo

3rd Medina Highland * 321
1. Ryan Przybysz 12 40 46 86
2. Zachary Butcher 11 40 42 82
3. Luke Butcher 11 39 39 78
4. Drew Mamer 12 39 42 81
5. Nathan Sprutte 12 41 39 80
Coach: Dutt Andrew

4th Revere * 327
1. Jack Kinder 11 38 39 77
2. Angelo Levak 11 42 38 80
3. Grant Banning 12 41 39 80
4. Tommy Kinder 9 43 47 90
5. Giovanni Lucarelli-Devorak 12 45 50 95
Coach: David Archer II

5th Brunswick 332
1. Cayden de Wever 12 41 46 87
2. Jonas Hinderer 11 41 39 80
3. Eric Carbone 12 38 42 80
4. Ethan Kovacs 10 41 44 85
5. Michael samano 12 42 45 87
Coach: Colin Smith

6th No. Royalton 333
1. Lukas Cengic 12 41 43 84
2. Sean Bunsey 10 49 41 90
3. Ryan Kuchta 11 41 43 84
4. Charlie Wilson 11 39 42 81
5. Brandon Jenkins 12 39 45 84
Coach: Steven Sprunger

7th Copley 337
1. Sean Nguyen 11 38 43 81
2. Colton Adair 10 39 41 80
3. Hudson Able 11 44 39 83
4. Andrew Whitis 12 46 47 93
5. Evan Huth 12 48 45 93
Coach: Douglas Boerema

8th Wooster 339
1. Ian Snode 12 41 42 83
2. Grady Hahn 10 42 41 83
3. Samuel Fleming 11 44 40 84
4. Aidan Cleveland 11 47 50 97
5. Anthony Long 11 48 41 89
Coach: Brent Dillon

9th Wadsworth 343
1. Landon Blizzard 11 41 44 85
2. Michael Fahey 10 39 42 81
3. Cameron Croley 11 49 42 91
4. Ethan Kuzmik 12 48 51 99
5. Ethan Dolgowicz 12 43 43 86
Coach: Steve Ferris

10th Padua Franciscan 348
1. Lucas Palange 11 41 38 79
2. Ryan Jankowski 12 51 44 95
3. Jack DeGeeter 10 44 41 85
4. Nolan Reilly 12 48 47 95
5. Mason Martina 11 44 45 89
Coach: Brian Coughlin

11th Normandy 356
1. Peyton Vacca 11 37 45 82
2. Anthony Kichurchak 12 43 47 90
3. Joey Meisterics 12 50 43 93
4. Greg Muniak 11 46 45 91
5. Thomas Hayes 9 49 45 94
Coach: David Droes

12th Barberton 362
1. Marco Silva 11 42 36 78
2. Cole Macko 11 45 43 88
3. Devin Miller 12 43 51 94
4. Christian White 11 59 53 112
5. Maverick Oktela 11 52 50 102
Coach: David Kaser

13th Norton 371
1. Matthew Fowler 11 43 41 84
2. Charlie Gabor 12 45 49 94
3. Eric Frantz 12 47 43 90
4. Evan Easterling 11 49 54 103
5. Regis Vargo 12 56 56 112
Coach: Michael Maile

14th Cloverleaf 378
1. Mark Stewart 12 45 51 96
2. Robby Wells 12 51 43 94
3. Carter Whitehair 11 49 52 101
4. Derek Koval 11 47 45 92
5. Zane Schreck 9 49 47 96
Coach: Mike McGee

15th Valley Forge 397
1. Ryan Repko 12 41 38 79
2. Billy Jobes 11 53 58 111
3. Stefan Stjepanovic 12 65 52 117
4. Garrett Hollon 12 45 60 105
5. Anthony Donley 12 48 54 102
Coach: Mitchell Hartel

16th Buckeye 402
1. Luca Violi 10 38 38 76
2. Matthew Csach 11 54 54 108
3. Nathan Heinemann 11 57 55 112
4. Andy Kost 9 53 53 106
5. Caleb McDonald 12 64 65 129
Coach: David Reiter

Individual Results:

1 Braden Herstich Hoban 11 35 34 69
2 Jack Vojtko Hoban 12 36 34 70
2 Ray Dress Hoban 11 32 38 70
2 Eli Zimmerman Medina 11 35 35 70
5 Chris Pollak Hoban 11 40 35 75
6 Brett Bagatti Hoban 11 39 37 76
6 Luca Violi * Buckeye 10 38 38 76 1st Place Individual
8 Coen Miller Medina 11 38 39 77
Jack Kinder Revere 11 38 39 77
10 Marco Silva * Barberton 11 42 36 78 2nd Place Individual
10 Luke Butcher Med Highland 11 39 39 78
12 Wren Spires Medina 9 37 42 79
12 Lucas Palange * Padua Franciscan 11 41 38 79 3rd Place – Won Scorecard Playoff
12 Ryan Repko * Valley Forge 12 41 38 79 4th Place – Lost Scorecard Playoff
15 Jonas Hinderer Brunswick 11 41 39 80
Eric Carbone Brunswick 12 38 42 80
Colton Adair Copley 10 39 41 80
Nathan Sprutte Med Highland 12 41 39 80
Cam Stafford Medina 10 42 38 80
Angelo Levak Revere 11 42 38 80
Grant Banning Revere 12 41 39 80
22 Sean Nguyen Copley 11 38 43 81
Drew Mamer Med Highland 12 39 42 81
Charlie Wilson No. Royalton 11 39 42 81
Michael Fahey Wadsworth 10 39 42 81
26 Zachary Butcher Med Highland 11 40 42 82
Peyton Vacca Normandy 11 37 45 82
28 Hudson Able Copley 11 44 39 83
Ian Snode Wooster 12 41 42 83
Grady Hahn Wooster 10 42 41 83
31 Lukas Cengic No. Royalton 12 41 43 84
Ryan Kuchta No. Royalton 11 41 43 84
Brandon Jenkins No. Royalton 12 39 45 84
Matthew Fowler Norton 11 43 41 84
Samuel Fleming Wooster 11 44 40 84
36 Ethan Kovacs Brunswick 10 41 44 85
Jack DeGeeter Padua Franciscan 10 44 41 85
Landon Blizzard Wadsworth 11 41 44 85
39 Ryan Przybysz Med Highland 12 40 46 86
Ethan Dolgowicz Wadsworth 12 43 43 86
41 Cayden de Wever Brunswick 12 41 46 87
Michael samano Brunswick 12 42 45 87
43 Cole Macko Barberton 11 45 43 88
44 Mason Martina Padua Franciscan 11 44 45 89
Anthony Long Wooster 11 48 41 89
46 Anthony Kichurchak Normandy 12 43 47 90
Sean Bunsey No. Royalton 10 49 41 90
Eric Frantz Norton 12 47 43 90
Tommy Kinder Revere 9 43 47 90
50 William Guest Medina 12 48 43 91
Greg Muniak Normandy 11 46 45 91
Cameron Croley Wadsworth 11 49 42 91
53 Derek Koval Cloverleaf 11 47 45 92
54 Andrew Whitis Copley 12 46 47 93
Evan Huth Copley 12 48 45 93
Joey Meisterics Normandy 12 50 43 93
57 Devin Miller Barberton 12 43 51 94
Robby Wells Cloverleaf 12 51 43 94
Thomas Hayes Normandy 9 49 45 94
Charlie Gabor Norton 12 45 49 94
61 Ryan Jankowski Padua Franciscan 12 51 44 95
Nolan Reilly Padua Franciscan 12 48 47 95
Giovanni Lucarelli-Devorak Revere 12 45 50 95
64 Mark Stewart Cloverleaf 12 45 51 96
Zane Schreck Cloverleaf 9 49 47 96
66 Aidan Cleveland Wooster 11 47 50 97
67 Ethan Kuzmik Wadsworth 12 48 51 99
68 Carter Whitehair Cloverleaf 11 49 52 101
69 Maverick Oktela Barberton 11 52 50 102
Anthony Donley Valley Forge 12 48 54 102
71 Evan Easterling Norton 11 49 54 103
72 Garrett Hollon Valley Forge 12 45 60 105
73 Andy Kost Buckeye 9 53 53 106
74 Matthew Csach Buckeye 11 54 54 108
75 Billy Jobes Valley Forge 11 53 58 111
76 Christian White Barberton 11 59 53 112
Nathan Heinemann Buckeye 11 57 55 112
Regis Vargo Norton 12 56 56 112
79 Stefan Stjepanovic Valley Forge 12 65 52 117
80 Caleb McDonald Buckeye 12 64 65 129

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