RESULTS: 2021 TDGA 4-M Scramble

TDGAFINAL RESULTS: Toledo District Golf Association
2021 4-Man Scramble

Findlay Country Club, Findlay, Ohio
Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Mark Kontak + Mitchell Kontak + Ty Fries + Brian Simmons
Toledo Metro Golf Association, Highland Meadows GC -16 56

Michel + Wells + Fort + Martin
Sycamore Springs Golf Club, Findlay CC -15 57

Brimley + Bergman + Dodds + Newlove
Findlay CC, Sycamore Springs Golf Club -14 58

Trojanowski + Hahn + Clark + Verslype
Belmont Country Club -11 61

Ihde + Jess + Ford + St. Clair
Oak Harbor Golf Club -11 61

Threet + Onweller + Langenderfer + Reed
Hills of Lenawee GC, Valleywood Golf Club -10 62

Unterbrink + Doidge + Duvall + Beck
Willow Bend Country Club -9 63

Shreve + Meyer + Seibel + Dunbar
Eagle Rock Golf Club -9 63

Wooddell + Leonardi + Pighin + Wandtke
Stone Oak CC -6 66

Abbott + Damman + Herrick + Truckor
Valleywood Golf Club -6 66

Hershey + Hall + Peterson + Hoelzer
Fremont CC -5 67

Odonnell + Sperry + Good + Warner
Eagle Rock Golf Club, Hickory Sticks Golf Club, Findlay CC -5 67

Lipinski + Michalak + Petot + Hudson
Heather Downs CC, Valleywood Golf Club -4 68

Rogliatti + Lehner + Leonard + Kimberly
Eagle Rock Golf Club -4 68

Damman + Gillespie + Hinkle + Gleckler
Valleywood Golf Club -3 69

Erwin + Breitenbach + Flores + Boehmer
South Toledo G.C., TDGA eClub -3 69

Malone + Brennan + Holzemer + Streichert
Heather Downs CC, Heather Downs -2 70

Langenderfer + Lambert + Ott + Leidigh
Valleywood Golf Club, Brandywine CC -1 71

Gallatin + Pfeiffle + Nelson + Ritz
Hills of Lenawee GC -1 71

Seiwert + Seiwert + Pifer + Zorn
Valleywood Golf Club, Belmont Country Club E 72

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