RESULTS: 2020 Southwestern Conference Preview Boys High School Golf

FINAL RESULTS: Boys High School Golf
2020 Southwestern Conference Preview

Pine Hills Golf Club, Hinckley OH
Tuesday, August 18, 2020


Avon 299
Olmsted Falls 321
Amherst 326
Avon Lake 329
Midview 329
Westlake 331
North Ridgeville 338
Berea-Midpark 381
North Olmsted 403


Jack GerborgJack Gerborg Avon 71
Will Fankhauser Westlake 72
Nolan King Avon 73
Ben Scheeff Olmsted Falls 73
Bryan Stone Midview 74
Michael Ebosh Midview 76
Brenton Dill Avon 77
Hunter McCourt Avon 78
Ben Lampe North Ridgeville 78
Ryan Yoder Amherst 79
Aaron Katitus Olmsted Falls 79


Ryan Yoder 42 37 79
Austin Bray 41 39 80
Brent Baumgartner 41 40 81
Nathan Harmych 45 46 91
Landen Bray 44 42 86
Logan Janik 45 43 88
Team Total 326

Logan Cook 48 45 93
Johnny Reilly 52 57 109
Mason Cook 43 54 97
Hunter Shrefler 52 58 110
Andrew Petkac 39 43 82
Kolin Daniel 54 59 113
Team Total 381

North Ridgeville
Ben Lampe 40 38 78
Greg Codner 46 48 94
Kolin Matej 42 39 81
Zach Richardson 46 44 90
Sam Forristal 46 43 89
Nick Runyon 49 57 106
Team Total 338

Jack Gerborg 38 33 71
Nolan King 37 36 73
Brenton Dill 37 40 77
Tyler Christy 41 39 80
Matt Granitto 45 46 91
Hunter McCourt 38 40 78
Team Total 299

Bryan Stone 37 37 74
Quinn Rowe 42 45 87
Michael Ebosh 39 37 76
Chaz Yates 50 42 92
Cole Pugh 49 47 96
Scott Rubin 64 68 132
Team Total 329

Olmsted Falls
Matt Hall 42 41 83
Carson Balfour 41 45 86
Ben Scheeff 37 36 73
Anthony DeMarco 42 44 86
Aaron Katitus 38 41 79
Dylan Sowers 46 42 88
Team Total 321

Avon Lake
Sean Laverty 40 40 80
Danny Donegan 41 39 80
Cole Cartwright 39 46 85
Kyle Ritter 45 46 91
Bill Haberstro 40 44 84
Emmet Fink 44 43 87
Team Total 329

North Olmsted
Justin Christ 49 44 93
Dominic Pinto 46 53 99
Brandon Cerney 50 49 99
Fletcher Hughes 56 56 112
Nathan Mortensen 55 59 114
Team Total 403

Will Fankhauser 37 35 72
Sean Ambrosino 49 44 93
Mason Maynard 44 41 85
Aiden Keir 43 44 87
Colt Rujawitz 43 50 93
Michael Ambrosino 46 41 87
Team Total 331

— courtesy of Dan May, Midview

Photo of author

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