RESULTS: 2020 Good Park Championship

Good Park Golf Course Akron OhioFINAL RESULTS:
2020 Good Park Championship

Good Park Golf Course, Akron
Saturday, September 12, 2020


1st Vaughn Snyder 66 $250 to Foxy Golf and a Good Park 12 Play Pass
2nd Kloetzer 72 $150 to Foxy Golf and 4 18’s at Good Park
3rd Marr 72 $125 to Foxy Golf and 2 18’s at Good Park
4th Bryson 72 $100 to Foxy Golf and a Mud Run Range Pass
5th Spino Jr. 73 $75 to Foxy Golf and 18 Holes at Good Park
6th Beebe 73 $50 to Foxy Golf
7th Salem 74 $25 to Foxy Golf
8th Fleming 75 $25 to Foxy Golf

SKINS: $233 ea
Zachardy 2 on #9
Spino 3 on #10
Grabowski 3 on #18


1st Russ Rybka 67 $250 to Foxy Golf and a Good Park 12 Play Pass
2nd Brophy 68 $150 to Foxy Golf and 4 18’s at Good Park
3rd Swartz 70 $125 to Foxy Golf and 2 18’s at Good Park
4th Hach 70 $100 to Foxy Golf and a Mud Run Range Pass
5th Jalbert 70 $75 to Foxy Golf and 18 Holes at Good Park
6th Ponikvar 70 $50 to Foxy Golf
7th Hogan 70 $25 to Foxy Golf
8th Horrigan, D 71 $25 to Foxy Golf

NET SKINS: $233 ea
Cistone, J 2 on #1
Allender, N 2 on #12
Grabowski 2 on #18

(all ties in both divisions were broken by scorecard playoff)


Name Gross Net
Aitken 96 83
Allender, N 103 82
Allender, S 100 79
Bangs 87 77
Baranek 89 76
Barbas 78 71
Baugh, D 86 75
Baugh, T 77 76
Beebe 73 73
Binger 83 75
Bock 89 75
Breen 85 76
Brophy 87 68
Bryson 72 72
Butler 83 72
Carpenter 79 73
Carroll 87 73
Cistone 84 73
Cistone Sr. 89 75
Cox 88 81
Crider 77 74
Cummins 78 75
Dallas 80 74
D’Andrea 81 71
D’Avello 85 74
Davis 81 73
Demeter 84 79
DiFrancisco 88 83
Donofrio 87 78
Drukenbrod 77 77
Ede 97 84
Esposito 84 73
Filo 86 86
Fleming 75 72
Fricker 81 76
Galehouse, R 83 77
George 96 75
Giffith, R 96 76
Grabowski 85 80
Granata, A 80 74
Granata, J 92 81
Green 82 74
Griffith, M 93 82
Hach 73 70
Harbert 78 74
Horner 79 72
Horrigan, D 82 70
Horrigan, J 86 75
Jagodzinski, V 96 80
Jags, M 84 72
Jalbert 74 70
Kalgreen 100 80
Kamvouris 83 77
Khouri 86 76
Kline 102 82
Kloetzer 72 72
Larizza 85 74
laubscher 83 72
Lowrey 85 71
Marr 72 72
Mathern 88 73
Mendoza 81 77
Mirelli 85 78
Park 83 72
Pinzone, A 76 72
Pinzone, R 98 81
Ponikvar 76 70
Rice 85 73
Rybka 75 67
Salem 74 70
Sales 92 83
Sattler, D 89 77
Sattler, J 106 86
Sgro 82 72
Skeen 81 75
Stegmeier 89 75
Swartz 80 69
Tamerlano 88 82
Terry 89 84
Thomas 76 73
Tomello 97 83
Trenta 81 75
Wadsworth 82 82
Wagner 83 81
Walker 81 77
Watkins 77 72
Wheeler 83 78
Wilhelm, L 96 85
Wilhelm, M 85 74
Wilson Sr. 82 74
Yaist 98 80
Zachardi 76 72
Ziga 81 73

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