RESULTS: 2018 Southwest Junior Golf Tour @ Columbia Hills

FINAL RESULTS: Southwest Junior Golf Tour
2018 Event #5 Columbia Hills

Columbia Hills Country Club
Monday June 25th, 2018
Par 71 Yardage 6404

Champions Series

Boys 15-18
Carson Bianco, Independence 70
Matthew Nimsuwan, Strongsville 78
Jarrett Nowak, N. Royaton 79
Alec Matej, N. Ridgeville 80
Kyle Mahaffey, N. Ridgeville 84
Tony Vannello, Medina 84
Bailey Hamilton, N. Royalton 84
Andrew Lewis, Grafton 85
Blake Shienkaruk, Medina 89
Kevin Gordon, N. Royalton 90
Luke Schreck, Seville 90
Sam Spacek, N. Royalton 90
Dylan Champney, Sheffield Vlg. 91
Jack Kenny, Brecksville 99
William Palmison, Wellington 99
Marin Higgins, Cleveland 100
Jack Nageotte, Bay Village 103
Michael Berish, Brecksville 104
Evan Medwid, Hinckley 108
Kolin Matej, N. Ridgeville 111
Hugh Corrigan, Independence 114

Boys 14-U
Nicolas Fartelly, Medina 100
Anthony DeMarco, Olmsted Falls 112
Andrew Mamer, Granger 115
Gus Priemer, Bay Village 123

Girls 18-U
Isabella Goyette, Medina 81
Alessandra Goyette, Medina 84
Morgan Pascarella, Independence 104
Emma McGreal, Independence 104
Samantha Horvath, N. Royalton 112
Morgan Briley, Brunswick 112
Alyson VeVerka, Olmsted Twp. 113
Allie Ksiazka, Independence 119
Alexis Kovach, Strongsville 119
Grace Bandwen, Wadsworth 133
Alexis Kovesdi, Independence 136
Cayla Mazzola, Independence 150
Suzette Gissinger, Wadsworth 168

Photo of author

Derek Smith

Derek is the co-director of Greater Cleveland's Southwest Junior Golf Tour.

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Boulder Creek Golf Club
Kaulig Companies Championship
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Five Iron Golf Clveland
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Cavitch Familo & Durkin