RESULTS: 2016 Ursuline v. Akron SVSM Girls High School Golf

FINAL RESULTS: Girls High School Golf
Ursuline vs. Akron St. Vincent / St. Marys

Stambaugh Golf Course, Youngstown | Par 36
Monday, August 22, 2016

Ursuline 196
Sydney Heinbaugh 40
Madison Stoneburner 50
Abbe Love 53
Kelly Wlodarsky 53
(Erika Hankavich 57)
(Kamryn Ross 62)

Akron SVSM 199
Sarah Kathryn Henderson 44
Julia Hofacker 50
Amanda Brown 52
Marj Sovacool 53
(Maura Knox 56)
(Diana Chang 62)

Photo of author

Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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