RESULTS: 2016 Olmsted Falls v. Berea Midpark Girls High School Golf

FINAL RESULTS: Girls High School Golf
Olmsted Falls v. Berea Midpark

Seneca Golf Course A, Broadview Hts | Par 35
Thursday, August 25, 2016

Olmsted Falls 200
Sam Torres 48
Lindsay Rowe 44
Alyssa Veverka 60
Kayla Kippes 53
Gabby 56
Abbey 55

Berea / Midpark 239
Cecilia Hiros 54
Madeline Hiros 61
Madysen LeComte 69
Cameron Kolesar 64
Hayley Swinnerton 60
Kayleigh Banaszak 64

Photo of author

Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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Boulder Creek Golf Club
Kaulig Companies Championship
Crest Roofing | Bobby Spino 330-714-4653
Five Iron Golf Clveland
Busha Okeson Insurance
Cavitch Familo & Durkin