RESULTS: 2016 Olmsted Falls, Berea/Midpark, Amherst Girls High School Golf

FINAL RESULTS: Girls High School Golf
2016 Berea/Midpark v. Olmsted Falls v. Amherst

Fox Creek Golf & Racquet Club, Lorain | Back Nine Par 37
Monday, August 8, 2016

Best 4 scores of 6

Olmsted Falls 201
Sam Torres – 44
Abbey Boenig-Dombek 55
Gabby Zemaitis 52
Lindsay Rowe 50
Kayla Kippes 57
Alyssa Veverka 57

Berea/Midpark 240
Madeline Hiros 60
Cecilia Hiros 58
Hayley Swinnerton 63
Lisa Martin 59
Emma Whipple 72
Kayleigh Banaszak 71

Amherst Steele 244
Elena Zaborniak 57
Audrey Fayer 66
Melissa Wright 65
Roselyn Friend 56
Lauren Wisniewski 66
Emily Eischen 66

Photo of author

Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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