RESULTS: 2016 Hudson Explorer JV Invitational

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FINAL RESULTS: Boys High School Golf
2016 Hudson Explorer JV Invitational

The Country Club of Hudson
Thursday August 11th, 2016

TEAM RESULTS + Individual Scores

1 St. Ignatius A 323
Kaye 80
Bilardo 80
Rifich 86
Corna 77
Klym WD

2 University School 332
Fedro 79
Kronenberg 82
Rogers 89
Tallal 87
Muha 84

3 Upper Arlington 335
Menke 80
Dimickele 89
DeCapua 88
Ward 86
Mazzaferri 88

4 Hoban 335
Cloonan 85
Stiller 83
Aptigar 80
Russo 87
Shankel 98

5 NDCL 348
Lynch 85
Lewandowski 78
Panhorst 94
Simler 92
Arkenburg 93

6 St. Edward 359
Chambers 88
Nepomugeno 90
Addington 93
Walters 88
Coughlin 99

7 Highland 361
McMaster 85
Fousek 89
Groh 91
Haynes 96
Alcini 99

8 Lake 361
Madenfort, J 90
Madenfort, W 87
Byrd 90
Ochs 94
Stadulis 112

9 St. Ignatius B 365
Savnders 92
Hazard 89
Harmat 93
Kolick 97
Gerrity 91

10 Walsh 367
Tipping 92
Wagner 99
Phelps 92
Gorman 87
Henderson 96

11 Hudson 367
Linx 94
Novosel 84
Villenauve 89
Rich 100
Block 105

12 Stow 369
Jennings 90
Sivec 87
Moretti 97
Collins 103
Stutz 95

13 Medina 382
Sheinkarvk 89
Sterk 109
Furey 98
Varley 95
Kerns 100

14 Kent 382
Troyer 86
Dile 96
Fisher 112
Seaholts 101
Moldvay 99

15 Cuyahoga Falls 397
Waffen 89
Meyer 105
Steiner 93
Moyer 110
Kearns 156

16 Strongsville 407
Nimsuwan 104
Jeske 93
Dalessandro 106
Morreleski 104
Gute 126

17 Gilmour Academy 440
Roberts 109
Ramski 106
Muchnicici 121
Nolan 104
Novak 123



Medalist: Corna – St Ignatius 77
Runner Up: – Lewandowski – NDCL 78

Photo of author

Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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