RESULTS: 2016 Great Lakes Conference Boys High School Golf Preview

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FINAL RESULTS: Boys High School Golf
2016 Great Lakes Conference Golf Preview Results

Forest Hills Golf Course, Elyria, Ohio
Friday August 12, 2016

TEAM RESULTS: with Individual Scores

Rocky River 334
Roni Shin 74 – MEDALIST
Nolan Weaver 85
Austin Weaver 87
Ryan Dunning 88
Jack Brant 89
Matt Willse 92

Bay Village 346
Jack Lee 82
Nathan Strack 86
Connor Flynn 87
Peter Cooper 91
Liam Hanna 92
Michael Hoke 92

Holy Name 355
Andrew Bleakley 80
Mitch Andrus 83
Lukas Vollman 85
Sean Bradway 107
Nicholas Koch 125
Noah Prevost 140

Elyria Catholic 362
Brandon Netzel 78 – RUNNERUP
Anthony Campagna 92
Jamie Wells 94
Andy Brown 98
Kyle Horvatich 99
Kyle Mahaffey 118

Normandy 378
Jason Shroge 91
Noah Telepak 93
Kaleb Telepak 95
JP Newman 99
Dylan Palechka 111
Josh Gainer 114

Parma 381
Ben Smencla 82
Adam Golubolic 88
Adam Ivancic 95
Tom Domke 116

Valley Forge 518
Olivia Nelson 121
Chris Rush 130
Catelyn Cook 132
Isabella Magistrow 135
Chase Reiger 138

Photo of author

Allen Freeman

Allen is a writer, photographer and editor for Northern Ohio Golf.

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