2012 Eagle Creek Fall 6 Man Scramble
Eagle Creek Golf Club, Norwalk, Ohio | Par 71
Sunday, October 14th
Pro Eric Frishette and his amateur team of Pete Skirpstas, Mike Simpson, et al posted a score of 18-under par 53 to win by a single shot in some incredible 30-40 mph wind conditions at the Eagle Creek Fall 6-Man Scramble on Sunday in Norwalk.
1st 53 Team Frishette $4,000
2nd 54 Team Jepperson $2,400
3rd 55 Team Morgan $1,200
4th 56 Team Ream $800
T-5th 57 Team Butler $260
T-5th 57 Team Nicholas $260
T-5th 57 Team Willinger $260
T-5th 57 Team Young $260
Out of the Money
58 Alcorn
58 May
58 Wilson
58 Oslie
59 Armour
59 Brown
59 Swanson
59 Inscho
59 Koester
59 Miller
59 Martin
59 Mauch
60 Barth
60 Fox
61 Porter
61 Akers
62 Farmer
62 Walter
63 Egbert
63 Lucko
65 Corleto
65 Crites
65 Serensky
N/C Rice
Skins: $750 a Piece
3 on #1 Team Jepperson
2 on #3 Team Nicholas
3 on #5 Team Porter
2 on #17 Team Nicholas
Par Three Challenge: $400 each
Closest to the Pin on all Par 3’s
#6 Matt Bova
#8 David Morgan
#12 Brett McBride
#14 Alcorn
#16 Mike Armour