Vets: Register Now for 2023 PGA Hope Programs

The Northern Ohio PGA will enhance the lives of Veterans and Active Duty Military in 2023 by hosting 11 PGA HOPE (Helping Our Patriots Everywhere) programs across Northern Ohio.

PGA HOPE introduces golf to Veterans and Active Duty Military to impact their physical, mental, social and emotional well-being. The program introduces the game of golf through a developmental 6-8 week curriculum, led by PGA Professionals trained in adaptive golf and military cultural competency. All programs are funded by PGA REACH and supplemented by the Northern Ohio PGA Section Foundation.

All of these programs are FREE to all Veterans and Active Duty Military!

PGA HOPE in Northern Ohio was first started by Renee Powell, PGA/LPGA at Clearview Golf Club in East Canton, Ohio. Renee’s father, William Powell, decided to build his own place to play after encountering racial discrimination on the golf course when he returned home from serving in World War II. Renee carried on her father’s legacy of service to the country when she began a Women’s HOPE program at Clearview that has grown to help pave the way for all Veterans in Northern Ohio.

In 2023, 11 programs will help over 170 Veterans at the following locations: Clearview Golf Club, North Olmsted Golf Club, Mill Creek Metroparks Golf Course, Valley of the Eagles, The Golf Dome, Shawnee Hills Golf Course, Washington Park Golf Course, White Pines Golf Club, Windmill Golf Center, and Windmill Lakes Golf Course.

Register Now for 2023 PGA HOPE

Below is a list of locations and facilities, the dates these programs will run at each, and a link to register:

PGA HOPE: Elyria
Valley of the Eagles Golf Course
Tuesday, Jan. 3-Feb. 21 from 9-11 a.m.

PGA HOPE: Elyria
Valley of the Eagles Golf Course
Friday, Jan.6-Feb.24 from 1-3 p.m.

PGA HOPE: Chagrin Falls
The Golf Dome
Monday, Feb.6-Mar.13 from 10-11 a.m.

PGA HOPE: Washington Park
Washington Park Golf Course
Monday, Apr.17-May 22 from 10 am-12

PGA HOPE: The Turn
North Olmsted Golf Club
Saturday, Apr. 22-June 3 from 9 am-12

PGA HOPE: Shawnee Hills
Shawnee Hills Golf Course
Monday, May 1-June 12 from 10 am-12

PGA HOPE: Ravenna
Windmill Lakes Golf Course
Wednesday, May 3-June 7 from 1-3 p.m.

PGA HOPE: Macedonia
Windmill Golf Center
Thursday, May 4-June 8 from 1-3 pm

PGA HOPE: West Toledo
White Pines Golf Course
Thursday, May 4-June 8 from 6-8 pm

PGA HOPE: Macedonia
Windmill Golf Center
Sunday May 7-June 11 from 1-3 pm

PGA HOPE: West Toledo
White Pines Golf Course
Sunday, May 7-June 11 from 5-7 pm

PGA HOPE: Clearview – Men
Clearview Golf Course
Monday, May 8-June 19 at 5:30-7:30 pm

PGA HOPE: Clearview-Women
Clearview Golf Course
Friday, June 2-July 7 at 5:30-7:30 pm

PGA HOPE: Washington Park
Washington Park Golf Course
Tuesday, Aug.1-Sept.5 from 10 a.m.-12

PGA HOPE: Shawnee Hills
Shawnee Hills Golf Course
Monday, Sept. 11-Oct. 16 from 10 a.m-12

PGA HOPE: Chagrin Falls
The Golf Dome
Tuesday, Oct. 10-Nov. 14 from 10 a.m.-11

PGA HOPE: Mill Creek
Mill Creek Metroparks Golf Course
Tuesday, Oct. 3-Nov. 7 from 11 a.m.-12

If you have questions about the PGA HOPE programs or if are wondering if this program is right for you, contact Danielle Nicholson at the NOPGA section office at (440) 227-6897 or

Photo of author

Danielle Monas

Danielle is the Operations Manager for the Northern Ohio PGA.

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