RD1 RESULTS: 2021 GG Joe Dickey Electric Junior Championship

The Greatest GolferThe Greatest Golfer Junior golf season ended in 2020 with McDonald’s Michael Porter and Hickory’s McKenzie Gustas atop the junior golf leaderboard.

Headed into Saturday’s finals of the 2021 Greatest junior season, both players are positioned to stay there.

Porter shot 74 Friday at Avalon at Squaw Creek to take a 2-shot lead in the 2021 “Joe” Dickey Electric Junior Championship of The Greatest Golfer.

In the Girls u17 bracket, Gustas posted an 82 for a 5-shot lead.

Final round play starts at Noon on Saturday at Avalon Lakes.

GG Junior Championship header

ROUND 1 RESULTS: The Greatest Golfer
2021 Joe Dickey Electric Junior Tour Championship

Avalon at Squaw Creek, Warren OH
Friday, July 23, 2021

Michael Porter, 74
Connor Daggett, 78
Zack Ross, 79
Rocco Turner, 80
Luke Eyster, 81
Chaz Ekoniak, 81
Nathan Kelly, 83
Bryce Van Horn, 84
Caleb Domitrovich, 84
Nolan Williard 87
Paul Litrenta 89

McKenzie Gustas, 82
Jayne Bernard, 87
Kaitlyn Hoover , 88
Madison Murphy, 89
Ava Liburdi, 91
Luciana Masters, 91
Shaylee Muckleroy, 93
Alyssa Rapp, 94
Matilyn Zines, 98
Zoey Fick -Mills, 103
Daniella Patrone, 110
Samantha Calderone 112

Photo of author

Todd Franko

Todd is the Director of The Greatest Golfer.

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