The Chippewa Monday 2-Man Scratch League will kick off its 2016 season on Monday, May 2nd!
We’ve had a mild winter this year, so the staff at Chippewa has high expectations for great golf course conditions starting very early this season. Personally, it’s my goal to return the greens at Chippy to the speed and roll of past glory! That’s when the Scratch League is at its best, and that’s what I want for the great players who participate.
We will continue having both seniors (55 and over) and younger players competing for the same prize and skins pot each week. The 55 and over guys play from the white tees (placed at a reasonable distance from the younger players’ blue tees), effectively creating a weekly tournament where a player of any age can compete with their partner.
We are going to make one change to the league fees for 2016, to allows guys to lock in their participation while saving themselves $90 in entry fees in the process!
A player who pays his event pot entry fees for the entire league season in advance by May 2 (18 weeks = $180), will pay only for skins ($10) and golf + cart ($20) each week after that.
Players who do NOT pay the season entry fee of $180 in advance must pay $15 for the event pot each week, plus golf + cart and skins each week.
Don’t have the $180 on you that first Monday? No worries; just pay $15 per week toward the event pot until you do have the remainder of the weeks due at $10, then pay off the balance!
The weekly event pots should be a little bit meatier this year, as we’ll be adding together all of the $10 and $15 pot entries to determine each week’s total. Skins will remain at $10 per week per player, and carry-over skins will still apply when there is no outright winner any week.
Players can compete with the same partner each week, or mix it up and play with different partners all the time. League entry fees are collected individually (not by team), so players can partner with whomever they wish any week they wish.
There will be two Steak Nights in 2016 again, as our way of saying thank you to the league players. Prime steak dinners with all the trimmings will cost just $15 to whomever wants to eat, payable at check-in on steak nights.
Formats for the weekly event series will continue to include 2-player scramble, better ball, combined score, shamble, and jumble. The tee is open from 3:30p – 6:30p for the league. The league will be off for the holidays on Memorial Day May 30th, Monday July 4th, and Labor Day September 5th.
NEW FOR 2016: a new series of pin shot prizes will be available to win on select weeks throughout the season. These prizes will be unique things like sporting event tickets, restaurant gift cards, etc. — cool stuff that players will actually want.
Also for 2016, the top points earner on the Chippewa Scratch League Leaderboard will win a 2017 Chippewa Golf + Cart Membership — a $1,400 value! Better yet, if the Leader is actually a partner team who is tied at the top, BOTH players will earn membership! A fantastic incentive and prize.
The Monday Noon Big Skins Game will continue in 2016, too, with tee times open from 11:45a until 12:30p. Cost for the skins is $50 for amateurs and $100 for pros. Cost for golf with cart is just $30 for ‘all you can play’ – which is perfect for the guys who roll right into league night. Come on out for the early game whenever you can!
We built some great momentum for the Chippewa Scratch League in 2015. We look forward to seeing even more players for 2016 starting Monday, May 2nd!
Kevin Larizza
Chippewa Golf Club