It is with complete amazement that I am sitting here writing this letter and reflecting on 25 years of Club Championships at Chippewa. It seems like only yesterday when I pulled into Chipp as the owner on July 1, 1988.
What started out as an iron-man type of competition has now evolved into a tough but fair tournament that has seen roughly a hundred players or more compete for the coveted Chippewa Renz Cup.
Carl Renz was the Superintendent when I took over in 1988, and that is where the tournament started. Carl was a sick bastard; back then, the setup was impossible! While the pin placements are still very difficult, there is and will be one way to the hole where the ball will stop. In other words, you have to hit it in the right spot.
And let’s set the record straight, as I’ve blamed the pin placements in the past (the bad ones of course) on everyone but myself. I’ve had staff threatened, vulgarities screamed, and I usually deflect the blame on one of my staff. But I’m coming clean: it’s me. I have — and always will — set the pins and the tee placements for the two days. It’s been me, every year for the last 25 years!
I’m not sure where all the hype of this tournament has snowballed into what it is today, but I’ll take a stab at it. One, first and foremost, I believe the FREE entry by all past champions has had a positive effect. Kind of copied the Masters on that one. But it kept the good players and their friends coming back year after year. Two, with the field so strong, it’s attracted everyone that wants to compete against the best players, and well, we won’t sugarcoat it, an accident waiting to happen is just around every corner. Three, the price hasn’t changed in years, $125 for two days of golf and cart, unlimited range balls, and breakfast lunch and appetizers and dinner during the two days. And if you don’t mind, the best putting contest you’ll find anywhere at any venue on Sunday afternoon. Fourth, the odds sheet is still going strong. And I continue every year to take a beating! Also once again this year, the winner of the event will get a free golf membership for the 2014 season!
This event will rock on as good as ever, and we have for the 25th edition a pig roast on Sunday complete with corn on the cob from Graf’s growers, the best putting contest ever, and some (would you not expect it?) surprises on the golf course. Skins games and other side games are optional!
Also, a big shout out to Tom Markham: if he can drag his weary ass and beaten down body to the first tee, it will be his 25th Club Championship. I believe he holds the record for most appearances, at least that I know of. Besides myself of course!
Thanks to all, especially Al, the work you do is truly exceptional.
Kevin Larizza
Chippewa Golf Club
TO SIGN UP FOR THE CHIPPEWA CHAMPIONSHIP, call the Chippewa Pro Shop at 330.658.6126 or email them. Entry details here.
Entries are due by Thursday, August 22nd at midnight! Groupings and starting times will be posted to on Friday.
Schedule of Events
Friday August 23, 2013
“¢ 5:00 Welcome Party in the Tent
Saturday August 24th 2013
“¢ 7:00 am ““ 1:30 pm Complimentary Range Balls
“¢ 7:00 ““ 11:00 am Complimentary Breakfast
“¢ 10:30-4:30 Complimentary Lunch at the turn
“¢ 5:30 – ? Complimentary hors d’oeuvres in the lounge
Sunday August 25th 2013
“¢ 7:00 am ““ 1:30 pm Complimentary Range Balls
“¢ 7:00 am-11:00 am Complimentary Breakfast
“¢ 10:30 -4:30 Complimentary Lunch at the turn
“¢ 3:30 ““ 5:30 Caravan to watch the leaders
“¢ 5:30 ““ 6:00 Awards presentation
“¢ 6:00-? Pig Roast, Putting Contest
This is one of funnest tournaments of the year. Wish I could be there to enjoy all the torture Kevin can dish out, but, I’m leaving for the World Am this weekend. I really wanted to play. I even thought about catching a plane after the second round, that’s how bad I wanted to be there. Hopefully the schedule works out better next year. Good luck to everyone…..seriously….good luck. By the way, the food is usually awesome on Sunday after the event!
Kevin, the main reason I come back is the way the event is run. No other event like it. From Friday night through the end of Sunday’s round it is great fun. Everyone wins, does not matter what you shoot.